“I ruined my business by supporting Nazis and it’s all your fault!”
Musk is not just supporting Nazis, he is a flaming Nazi himself.
Yes but this all happened before he even went full mask off.
Yes it absolutely did, but the platform was not run responsibly, and contained hate speech. Musk even claimed the Nazi content besides adverts was a rare fluke.
Which is obvious today is not true. What Musk may really want, is to normalize Nazi content.
“I’m in a government that condones - if not encourages - businesses from rejecting customers based on their own ideology, but don’t do it to me!”
i wounder if he will actually get a court to order that every person in the world owes him money.
cause that seems to be what he is working towards.
Let me ask you this: how many ads have you run on Twitter? Does that strike you as fair?
No, the case is that advertisers used a service that monitored advertising platforms on their quality, like being family friendly and keeping things within the law. When they advised their customers that they could no longer vouch for X, many advertisers followed their guidance.
Obviously they are in their right to do so, and there was absolutely nothing wrong with the procedures that were followed, like it was NOT cartel or any other kind of shenanigans by the users of that service.
But Musk being a paranoid malignant narcissistic crybaby, saw it as a conspiracy directed against him personally. And the guy has more money than sense, so he is trying to make a huge issue out of it.
Luckily USA is a nation of law, so he won’t get anywhere with that, just like he wouldn’t get away with calling people pedophiles for no other reason than to offend them. Thank god USA isn’t corrupt as hell, so we can trust the courts to do the right thing. /s
On the other hand we also have EU warning against advertising on X:
https://www.euronews.com/next/2023/11/17/eu-commission-advises-services-to-stop-advertising-on-elon-musks-xEU warning against advertising on X
… and Musk supporting anti-EU parties.
The eu commission warning was officially only aimed at their internal services, it wasn’t a mandate that all organisations within the eu should stop advertising on x. Though it wouldn’t surprise me if it comes to a total ban in the eu, X is already under investigation for disinformation.
I’m honestly blown away that Nestle stopped or reduced advertising. It seems like twitter is exactly the home for such a terrible company.
The company might be terrible, but most of their buyers are normal people who either don’t know what brands belong to them, or don’t care enough to carefully investigate everything they buy. And those normal people are the ones the ads need to reach. If they leave twitter, what’s the point of advertising there?
Yea, I think it makes sense for them to stop if they are getting a return on their investment.
Not if there’s fewer there to see ads. They’re still a business with a bottom line, even if what they do is terrible.
Yea, fair point.
Less of a boycott and more of a logical business decision.
Not if there’s fewer there to see ads
But you usually pay per click or impression, not a flat rate. So that alone shouldn’t be a reason for them to stop advertising there
Nestle has an extremely safe, risk-averse marketing strategy. In part due to their various scandals, they try really hard to be family friendly and boring.
That said, they are not worse than other food and beverage conglomerates.
child labor: mars & others were also implicated. These companies were most likely unaware of the child labor being used to harvest cocoa. The way it works is there are wholesalers in Africa who buy cocoa from processing facilities who buy fresh cocoa pods from local farms. These wholesalers advertised themselves as being child-labore-free. The farms they buy from were using child labor. This is a problem with capitalism exploiting people in the global south, causing perverse incentives, and with companies having limited insight into the full depth of their supply chains.
water is not a human right: The nestle water exec said the quiet part out loud. But, no beverage company believes water is a human right - they just aren’t stupid enough to say that on camera. If they did think it was a human right, they’d be working to ensure universal access to clean water rather than bottling it and shipping it around the world while limiting water access at their extraction points and polluting the water near their factories. Look at what coca cola is doing in mexico - rampant water pollution such that in factory towns. Coke is the only safe drink for folks because the water is contaminated. Nestle is bad, but no worse than coca cola.
infant formula scandal: this occurred in the 1970s and was obviously awful. Every major multinational food and beverage conglomerate has stories like this if you look hard enough - this just happens to be a fucked up series of events that got some major media play.
People online scapegoat Nestle, but continue to buy electronics and clothing made with child labor, tree nuts/soda/and other products known to be harmful to watersheds, and many other products from companies which harm people in the global south. This isn’t meant to defend nestle, but to remind everyone that there is no ethical consumption under capitalism. Nestle is not anywhere close to an uniquely evil company. Not even in its own industry.
Thank you for putting it into perspective a little bit. I still won’t buy Nestlé stuff but at least now I’ll feel guilty buying anything else lol
Water is a human right. Quoth Article 11, (1) ICESCR:
The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right of everyone to an adequate standard of living for himself and his family, including adequate food, clothing and housing, and to the continuous improvement of living conditions. The States Parties will take appropriate steps to ensure the realization of this right, recognizing to this effect the essential importance of international co-operation based on free consent.
“food” here can be safely assumed to include “water”. “Everyone” means “also people who can’t afford shoelaces”. There’s exactly one country in the world which didn’t ratify the ICESCR and it’s the US.
Regarding “uniquely evil”: Yeah I’m definitely boycotting Chiquita (United Fruit) and Bacardi harder, both are still, effectively, whining about having their slave plantations expropriated. Both aren’t exactly hard to do their bananas are more expensive than no-brand organic ones over here, and Bacardi, well there’s plenty of good rum, Bacardi ain’t one of them. If you ever make a Cuba Libre with Bacardi I shall explode into tirades.
Oh of course I agree. That’s just what the nestle asshole said.
That’s good. Boycotts can be effective!
Maybe asking advertisers to ‘go fuck yourselves’ isn’t such a bright idea, fuckwit.
You just know that’s going to be exhibit 1 for the defense.
Fucking fascist Nazi man baby doesn’t like when advertisers do what he tells them, and then continues to do so when he realizes that was a bad idea.
Reminds me of the guy who was accused by his gf of impregnating her, then refusing to support the child. Went through everything: the lawyers, friends and family who questioned his manhood and unwilling ess to take responsibility for the child, harassment, threats from her friends, etc. finally ended up in court in front of a judge, where he calmly produced a letter from a doctor that had performed a vasectomy on him well before the child could possibly have been conceived, took the win and walked out.
I would pay to watch this rich spoilt man child have to eat his literal words. I’m sure it’s screenshotted all over the internet, but his ego won’t let him see the truth.
FYI a vasectomy isn’t a 100% guarantee against getting a woman pregnant as it can sometimes heal, even years after.
A DNA test should still have been ordered in that circumstance.
Yeah any judge should have just waited for a paternity test.
when advertisers do what he tells them
They have actually … themselves?
You can also have friends if you just pay mercenaries to kidnap them from the street at gunpoint. Many many great friends at any time.
Hey, when you’re rich you can grab them by the balls.
You know you’ve fucked up when even Nestlé doesn’t want to work with you…
Obligatory Fuck Nesté
When people go we may use child slaves in our supply chain, steal and ruin water supplies, and bribe medical professionals to get discourage breastfeeding, but you’re too fucked up for us to work with then you know you’ve fucked up.
To be clear, its not that twitter is too fucked up for nestle to work with, they absolutely would if they thought it would benefit them. Its that twitter has become so toxic that they see advertising there as a net negative.
To be able extra clear, fuck twitter, fuck nestle and fuuuuuuuck Musk.
Nothing says you believe in free market competition more, than suing a another private business, trying to force them to give you money
“Free market” was nothing but a propaganda term…
That has always been the essence of the “Free Market”, for thee but not for me.
In a sane world, this lawsuit would be laughed out of court.
It’s harder to laugh it out of court when the plaintiff is in the government himself.
There’s gotta be serious repercussions for this insane narcissist-autocratic behaviour. USA you’re not just embarrassing, but a liability.
The lesson here is to never start advertising on that platform. You’re less likely to be sued by Musk if you never start advertising in the first place. Advertising on his platform is an unnecessary risk for your business:
Preach. Never do business with a professional troll.
He must think it’s like the old dealership laws. Once you enter into an agreement, you can’t exit.
Advertise once, advertise forever!
How is this even a thing? Is a bank run considered collusion? If the platform no longer offers the audience I want to reach then I should be able to stop advertising on it. It just happens that the audience of may companies at once left the company. Who is even entertaining this lawsuit?
All the defense has to do is play the clip of him openly telling advertisers not to advertise and he’ll get laughed out of court.
Most politicians are bought for less than a million. The guy has hundreds of billions. I imagine he can buy a few judges along the way.
Possibly, but none of those bought judges matter unless it ends up in their specific court. That’s why they’ve been trying to install as many of their own as possible.
Unfortunately he sued in the North District of Texas, which is a maga kangaroo court
In an actual court? In Trumps america?
What person in it right mind initiate a legal battle with Nestlé??
Plenty actually, like former slaves from plantations which sold products to Nestle.
…it’s part of the reason why Nestle is currently lobbying the EU to not dilute the supply chain act, those kinds of cases are a PITA for them, and the documentation they need to do for the supply chain act is exactly what they need to nib cases in the bud, “Here’s the inspections we did, here are transcripts of anonymous interviews with random workers at the plantation”, “If something slipped between the cracks we deeply regret that but we did do our due diligence, plaintiff’s beef is with their ex boss, not with us”.
It is absolutely more expensive to pay an army of lawyers to defend yourself than it is to pay workers proper local wages and document that. Not to mention that people who run slave plantations don’t share their extra profit with Nestle.
The other reason is that they don’t want smaller companies to have a competitive advantage: Smaller companies are not subject to those kinds of lawsuits, and also the ones complaining about the supply chain act. Nestle is also not at all keen on a consumer boycott from Africa.
Can you please tag this elon, so that our spam filters work?
It’s not practical to censor “x”
What about censoring " x ". That might help filter more posts.
This post would require "x " though.
“^X .*$”
Sounds like it’s time for people to learn regex.
Yeah, like the creator of my app for one.
Yeah I had this thought as well. How I would love to be able to create filters based on RegExs.
Something like: (?<!\w)X(?!\w) I think that might work.
How dare your company not advertise on my company cause I’m a racist wanna be nazi twat.
No better way to get people who used to voluntarily give you money to give you more money than threatening them.
Throwing a temper tantrum because no-one wants to play with you. What a child!