Israel is full of fascists, so no surprise they’re carrying water for a Nazi.
Israel is full of fascists, so no surprise they’re carrying water for a Nazi.
What a shit take.
Yes, people should also be upset about Biden sending bombs to Israel, but that’s been going on for years and, unfortunately, is pretty much well worn ground.
But muskmelon throwing a fucking Nazi salute is absolutely worth all of this attention, because it shows how little they care to hide it and how open they’re going to be about this shit.
Arguable, meat sack.
He got them dead eyes, like a dolls eyes…
I thought liberty died when I was told it was pointless to vote, then people didn’t vote and then the Nazis won.
Funny how the malicious people tell me the same thing as people who claim to be on my side.
It’s a good idea, but it will only ever be that with the way the US works. Getting 2/3 of Congress and the states to agree on anything is borderline impossible.