This is among the shittiest color combinations for colorblind. I only see two colors of pills: something magenta-ish and something yellow-ish
I think that’s why they have words along with them? 🤪 (sorry)
Purple but myself. Please myself. Dear gods myself.
Only if you’re a people.
blue, so I would finally have a friend
If take the purple pill, can I do that to anyone anywhere on Earth? Or just people nearby? Anywhere on earth, the purple. Just nearby, toss up between purple and a weed gummy. Do I know the strength of the weed gummy?
Even if its nearby… I’d visit every trump rally out there.
I love that ability. I always want greedy billionaires and hateful politicians to be made a fool of. Now I can do it with comedy.
No violence and death, just lots of dookies. Oh this is so fun.
The pink pill is so silly yet can be so useful.
Is there a range limit on magenta? Do they have to be in my presence, just able to hear my voice, actively be paying attention? These are important factors!
It functions the same way as the Death Note. Let’s call it the Brown Note.
That means I could give trumpet violent diarrhea in middle of his inauguration? I like that.
I wonder about the implications of using the power continuously, even once the bowels are empty.
Can I force people to prolapse enough of their asshole to the point of a life threatening emergency?
I guess what I’m asking is whether I can make a trumpet shit our a kidney or two?
That’s probably going to happen anyway but we’ll never know about it unless a lucky microphone picks it up.
Well, if you could make the person shit an infinite amount of shit, at one point his pants would be full and flood the entire room. (dammit I was supposed to eat after this)
It’s only Chaotic if you use it carelessly, OP, rather than to build your Lawful Evil Empire of Poop.
Imagine being surrounded by cops and just saying “get sharted!” And running away while the cops cry and moan in excremental pain
The Sharter strike again
Pink would come in clutch if you’re a doctor on a surgical ward.
I mean, it’s not even a contest
I’d choose yellow as well. I imagine sound will reach like 90 dB!
Pink, you can control any situation with that.
You got some dude coming to attack you with a knife? Point finger guns at him and say “Poop”, they poop instantly stopping them in their tracks, confusing the ever loving fuck out of them… Then you do it again while they stare at you, slowly working out it’s you doing this.
You walk up to them as they slowly try to retreat from you, you hit them in more time and walk off into the distance, leaving him to try to get home without anyone noticing he pooped his pants, because who’s gonna believe him?
He tries to run, but you slow-walk towards him, chanting “poop!” with every step. His pants are heavy, and blood starts to show through his jeans. “I’ll cut your guts out!” he helplessly bluffs. Soon, he crumples up and screams as his guts start emptying into the street; his denim is no longer able to hold the carnage. You see him lying dead at your feet.
You turn back towards the United Healthcare headquarters, and resume your march.
Now, it is finally time to see at what point explosive diarrhea is covered…
What I want to know is, do I have control over consistency, force, and quantity? Is there a limit to the range for this power? Do I need line of sight or is it more of a “Death Note” thing? Can I cause defecation syncope? Can I make someone poop themself to death?
So far it seems to be whatever they have going on already, you can modify force tho, but that has risks of its own… It seems that as long as I have some form of live visual of the person it works.
What happens when the tank is empty?
Insides become outsides, but it takes a while for that to happen, people are full of shit.
Choose One?
That question mark ❓ suggests the option I could take them all instead if I wanted…
I’d take all but the blue one. Once my powers become known, my crush would love me! Together we’d run my campaign for mayor. I’d win on the promise that the browns will win the superbowl. Yes, I’m making a fecies joke about the BROWNS wining the SUPERBOWL.
I just gotta make the other team shit their pants at the right times.
Green’ll do just fine, thanks
But imagine all the weed gummies you could pilfer if you could threaten people at pink-pill-point.
Bobbity bibbity - your pants are now full of shittery