Okay, posting this here because it is literally called No Stupid Questions, but I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on this.
I got a message today on Reddit saying I was permabanned . . . I had really good karma there, never received any notification that I had done anything wrong, and never had a post deleted. The message said to check my inbox for more details . . . but there were no details in my inbox. I tried to appeal, and it was just denied in a couple of hours. No explanation.
Anyone else experience this or know what other avenues I can take? I’m going to be honest here, I had made a lot of friends there. I suppose I could make a throwaway account to let them know where else they can find me, but I’m pretty bummed out.
For context: I kind of prided myself as being a “Ted Lasso of Reddit.” I mostly just got on to give people pep talks in the beginner fitness and /toastme subreddits. I’m going to miss that a lot, and I kind of needed a community right now, even if it was an online one. But, hey, maybe that’s just my sign to check out this place instead. I’ll try to look at the bright side.
My old account was 15 years old, approaching 2 million karma, never a single warning, no posts or comments ever removed for violating Reddit TOS and a some Zionist fascist pig admin didnt like a pro Palestinian comment and permabanned me
Reported! /joke
But that sucks. 15 years? I don’t think I posted anything “political” aside from some LGBTQ stuff. I did poke some fun at some gamers who were butthurt about their game finally including girls. I don’t think anything I said was all that controversial, but maybe they reported me for that. Warhammer 40k fans aren’t above organized mass reporting from what I’ve seen on places like YouTube.
I was very political, but everything said and posted was within TOS limits. 3 of my huge subs were abandoned and are now being run by shit mods. They claimed I was inciting violence by saying Palestinians have the right to defend themselves.
I got a message on reddit that I had been auto-banned from a sub I had never even been to r/landlords, because I posted in a sub they didn’t like, I forget if it was r/antiwork or r/latestagecapitalism or something like that. It’s just a silly place now.
Literally the reason I’m here now, banned because I share my computer with someone, which triggered some “ban evasion detection”. Both of use appealed, both of us denied within hours, despite both accounts being multiple years old
You can only repay them in the same currency: Never give a damn.
Never give a damn about redit karma or anything they do, or promise. Never give a damn about how mods want you to be.
Make a new account in such a way that they cannot detect it, then go on with your life as if nothing happened.
Details: Use a new nickname, new IP address, no real name/age/location, a different app (or browser), a new mailaddress, subscribe a different set of subs (at the beginning). For the future: create your next account(s) before the current one gets banned.
I had an account from 2013 with hundreds of thousands of comment and post karma. They banned my account without even telling me why. I filed an appeal and that was a month ago now. Still haven’t heard anything back.
I made a new account under a new email with a new Internet connection and a new device. It got banned after 30 minutes. I literally left one positive comment and upvoted a few things.
Reddit and their power tripping admins/mods can suck it.
The bans are AI driven, and the appeal responses are AI driven. You won’t find an explanation for why you were banned, because there was no human behind the ban
This is what will end Reddit.
AI moderation and AI bans.
We’re pretty much all here because of it. Reddit is actively driving their users to other platforms. Oh well.
They’re probably tuning the type of engagement the
stockholdersadmins demand. Anyone who doesn’t fit the bill of circlejerking the hive mind gets the boot.Even the human mods won’t tell you what rule you broke.
My 13 year old account with 250,000 comment karma was perma-banned without warning for commenting “It’s ok to punch Nazis”. Since then, maybe 3 years, I’ve had probably 25-30 Reddit accounts. Pretty easy to create a dummy email account and set up a new Reddit account. I have a browser script that auto adds all my subs back for me if I just copy the link from my old account. I’m usually back up and running in about 10 minutes. But I finally decided to drop the platform after the election because it just isn’t worth it anymore.
Mods of individual subs can get you banned site-wide if they don’t like you. You can be auto-banned from individual subs if they’ve detected you commented in other subs they don’t like. Their block system is a joke that prevents people from correcting other’s misinformation. They banned 3rd party apps. And their co-founder/CEO is a trashcan of a human being.
Reddit is quickly becoming a cesspool. You should just give up on it. The internet is a big place.
Yup, had this happen on 2 different accounts, both of which were in good standing. Same as you, no given explanation despite the message saying there would be, and no real recourse to appeal despite there being a provided link that simply looped on itself. Eventually, I was able to get a human via the “support team” who gave me the answer “All bans are final.”. You options are to make a new account or stop using their shit platform. Pick your poison.
I pick bourbon. Oh . . . oh, we were talking about something else. But, yeah, I’m going with quitting the platform. I don’t see the use in trying to fight it, and even if I were to ‘win’, this will probably happen again in another month or so.
Side note: are you a raccoon that likes to debate, or is it debatable that you are a raccoon?
My skills as a raccoon are debatable
Hmm . . . sounds like something a tricky raccoon would say to get me to let my guard down and . . . damnit, my trashcans!
Hey, you know what they say. One man’s trash is another man’s F*CK YOU THIS IS MY APPLE CORE
Making a new account doesn’t work, even using VPNs doesn’t seem to get around their ban if you create a new account. It will be permabanned in like a day.
Quick let’s mainline this person some linux
Is . . . is that why a mysterious penguin suddenly appeared in my living room. Whew. That’s a relief. I was worried it was because of the shrooms.
Just switch from Mario Kart to Tux racer and you’ll be OK.
Yeah, that’s your sign.
Furries get a slightly different vision:
get some programmer socks so it knows your not a threat
Stares down at crocs in horror. I’m doomed by my own hubris!
I don’t use Reddit, nor do I tend to do so, so take what I say with a pinch of salt!
Reddit is one of those sites that utilizes AI moderation, so if you’ve been banned without any warning or notice, chances are your ban wasn’t even authorized by another human, but instead by a bot. Your IP address can either be static or dynamic, and if you have a dynamic IP address that changes to an IP that is associated with a user who got banned at some point in time, chances are the bot will see you as that other person and assume a ban evasion.
You could try appealing. If that doesn’t work, perhaps it’s best to shrug it off and try a different social media. Lemmy isn’t the biggest website in the world, but it’s one of the best social medias I’ve used and people here are generally helpful and friendly!
It definitely stinks of automated moderation. At this point when I feel the urge to participate I remember how poorly managed it is and the low quality of most of the subreddits so the urge passes.
I was randomly banned for no apparent reason. They gave zero fucks. Sorry that this happened to you too.
Well, I’ll just consider this being in good company, then!
Still Ted Lassoing. I love it.
I got banned for reporting a post with the statement “links to nazi platform” (it was a link to X).
I got a message in my inbox about my account being given “a warning” for abusing the report system. I was then permanently banned an hour later.
I had like 5 accounts, one of them dating back to 2008. They are now all permanently suspended. Because I offended some loser moderator.
Or maybe they all got banned because I still used a third party Reddit client? Oh well. Fuck Reddit. I’ll continue using my cracked third party Reddit client and browse Reddit in read-only mode. Lemmy can be where I actually contribute !
Welcome to reddit dawg. I had an account over 10 years old and another SFW account I was using that was about 5-6 years old. I was on my SFW browsing one day, tried to make a post, and saw that I was blocked, but there was no inbox message yet, so I went on my other account and saw that it had gotten a message about being banned for a comment made months ago, so I tried to appeal it, which was denied. Best I can tell they just banned all of my accounts once the first one got banned, even though I wasn’t even aware of the ban in the first place.
So much for being a forum for open discussion. I guess we should stick to memes and shitty puns.
As long as you stick to the list of approved memes!
Reddit has been actively hostile for a while.
On one hand, it’s a smaller place, so there’s less content to browse…
On the other hand, it’s a smaller place so you can reply to an older thread and still have interaction with people.On reddit, if I replied to a thread that was 1h old, it was like sending a message in a bottle, floating in an endless sea where none would find it or shouting in the void.
Anyway, welcome home / make it your home.
PeaceOther things I like:
- The decentralized nature means you will never truly be banned from everywhere unless your behaviour is universally considered unacceptable, in which case good riddance
- There are fewer of us, so some people care about keeping individual users around. I’ve still received bans from communities for reasons I find questionable, but that’s in the nature of having people manage communities themselves.
Also the federated nature of it means that no one has enough power such that they can abuse it in a way that hides their abuse on the entire platform. With the modlog, you can see what the original message was that prompted a moderator response. And with other instances, you can make an account elsewhere and talk about it even if an admin banned you.
Here it feels like you have to really make an effort to get banned. Mods mainly stick to deleting rule breaking comments.
There’s plenty of bans to go around, but mostly spam and the odd pathetic bigot.
When I discovered lemmy… I thought it was nice just being able to browse and not be immediately assaulted by several popups to login, cookies, or the classic “download our app” bullshit.
I know people love their apps, but the web UI works. Browsers have great features already like tabs, bookmarks, adblockers, etc.One of the things I hated about reddit was how they would slip sponsored ads in made to look like user posts as closely as possible. Of course they made it impossible to block them.
Imagine you are a smoker and the addiction makes it impossible for you to quit. Then one day nobody will sell you a cigarette or let you bum one off them.
Count your blessings and move on.
Reddit Karma ain’t worth shit. Imaginary Internet points.