As a colored dude, it’s hard to explain. I’ve even had white folks say, “Nah man it’s not like that.”

    1 month ago

    I know that sociology is an elective in a lot of US colleges, and I thoughr more people would haveI taken it. It pretty straightforwardly explained that every aspect we hold inevitably drives our social interactions and life experience whether we like to or not. From what I’ve gathered from my friend’s experiences and the attitutes I’ve seen onlone, the sentiment of “why does it matter to be X” is very much prevelant, and being on the receiving end of unknowing racism really does hurt.

    But at the same time, understanding that point also means understanding that people who do not have your traits may not be able to fathom these sorts of experiences (though experience in general is hard to transfer) which results in a kind of dismissal. I’m not saying to forgive, but I understand, and it’ll be all I think about as I help educate (and/or bulldoze disrespectful) people.

      1 month ago

      Many people beed tk realize the reality that a lot of the interactions we are seeing on mainstream social media platforms especially x/ twitter whatever the fuck its called now, is heavily manipulated by imperial actors such as the company team Jorge which is a mossad run bot farm out of israel that for a price (or even for free depending on the cause, floods platforms with fake engagement meant to make conservatism Look more popular than it truly is to manufacture consent and confuse/ wear down people attempting to dialogue and potentially even convince uninformed people consuming this state propaganda to support fascism/ conservatism.