I don’t think I’ve seen the old hard-R written out in quite some time. Let nobody say Musk and his indentured servant team have never accomplished anything. They just accomplish the bad things.
Lol that’s sort of true. I’m having a bit of a viseral reaction. I couldn’t quite put my finger on why, but I think you’re right. I just hadn’t seen it in so long.
That’s pretty fucked if you think about it.
Yeah, that’s kinda what led to my comment. I was looking at it thinking how overtly fucked it all was.
When you use a slur, but also proper Grammar, it becomes harder to report.
He’s in the upper echelons of government now. No need to pretend anymore
Meta is even worse.
Even people who were/are on the right are noticing it.
Tom Segura isn’t a great guy, but I saw a clip of one of his podcasts where they were talking about Instagram. Any post anyway related to a Black person is just gonna be filled with comments saying the n word.
As fucked up as it is, TikTok appears to be the only big one that’s removed hate speech for a while now. It’s just become incredibly normalized which is why the wealthy keep gobbling up social media.
They want a race war, a culture war, anything to stop 99% of the population from figuring out the 1% have been fighting a class war for decades.
It’s all a distraction to stop people from talking about why billionaires are fucking over everyone else and we’re not stopping it.
Can you elaborate on ‘Tom Segura isn’t a great guy’? I think he’s funny and I’m wondering if there’s something I’m missing.
It’s not like he’s a giant asshole himself…
But he’s friends with Joe Rogan and agrees with him on a lot of stuff. And has said he enjoys “trolling” even about racial issues.
So he’s at best just tolerable of assholes with extremist views, which is why it was notable even he has pointed out how bad social media is getting.
Tom Segura
Went on a tirade talking about “the poors” after he got told to check in his carry-on on a flight
I treat people who have twitter accounts the same as I would someone who chain smokes in public areas: you’re part of the mesh that prevents the substrate for nice things to exist.
Hopefully it’s as much of collective social stigma as smoking is soon.
Unclear analogy - is the substrate going through the mesh the process of nice things existing? Maybe I’m thinking of substrate in a chemical sense rather than biological, or I’m just cooked. Is the mesh some sort of filter that allows bacteria to grow on the substrate (host)?
I take it as they’re saying, “you’re part of a framework that prevents the foundation of good things from being.”
Aye. That’s the idea. Even if we’re part of some weakly emergent system and hence exempt from what we normally ascribe to moral imperative, agency or personal accountability (to wit: it’s not technically immoral to just exist and have an account on Twitter, as opposed to just existing and using it as a platform to actively spread hate), tacit participation in it does mean you are part of the structure. Absent any human users, twitter is (even more) valueless.
Revisiting the ‘substrate’ analogy: I used to keep freshwater fish. Twitter/it’s mob reminds me of a poorly maintained undergravel filter; full of poop, and lots of toxins leeching into the water.
It’s simply amazing though how many people don’t want to admit it. I mean they’re not hiding it at all but there’s so many places even here on Lemmy that love to stick their head in the sanding and don’t want to acknowledge how bad it’s gotten.
IDK How to tell you this, but fascist racists own everything and are planning to kill a whole bunch of people soon. I really think people are under estimating the severity of the vision these people have for the world.
Can you quantify soon here? I agree with you that they don’t have good intentions, but I think that framing it as like, a planned genocide is not accurate. More realistically what can happen is more systemic injustices and consolidations of power to prevent anyone from resisting.
To start with, their plan for mass deportation probably already counts as a displacement genocide. There will be thousands of deaths from it leaving aside everything else wrong with it.
There are also approximately 3 million trans people in the US. Every single one of them is in danger as the fascists’ chosen scapegoat.
Why do you think that?
Rwandan genocide? The Holocaust? Israeli’s war on Palestinian. Armenian genocide? US chattel slavery? Tulsa Race Massacre? China and how they threat neighbors? South African Apartheid?
Not much of a news junkie are you?
History, and a soupçon of paranoia
more like a soup ladle am I right
Soupçon: A very small amount; a hint; a trace, slight idea; an inkling.
Thank you for the new word, I like it.
I was thinking it was soup can for a moment. Then I realized the C had it’s pants down and it dawned on me that it was a French word.
kill a whole bunch of people soon
If you don’t couch this a whole lot, it undermines the seriousness of what is actually about to happen.
Anything less than tens of millions dead falls short of your comment. And that’s likely not the reality.
Is the holocaust really your measurement for the meaning of “killing a bunch of people?” I don’t think things have to get all that bad to be justified in saying “a bunch of people died.”
When you look into where contemporary right wing ideologies comes from, and what journalists are reporting on in online right wing spaces, a holocaust doesn’t seem out of the question. The Turner Diaries is worth looking into. Robert Evans is also a pretty informed journalist on the matter.
What are you guys talking about?
Anything less than tens of millions dead falls short of your comment. And that’s likely not the reality.
Trans people, the group currently most targeted for elimination by the right, represent about 1% of the US population. Jewish people in pre-Nazi Germany also represented about 1% of the population.
When Republicans past eliminationist laws meant to persecute trans people, deny them from public life, and kill them by taking away their healthcare, they are committing crimes of the same order as what Germany did in the 1930s.
That is simple historical by-the-numbers truth.
The chilling thing for me is that Nazi Germany was able to accomplish this without the technology and mass surveillance we have today.
It will be a slow boil and they’ll arrest people one at a time for “terrorism” and such. I won’t be surprised to see extremist militias going after people as well.
They won’t even need to use terrorism. Right in Project 2025 is a plan to slowly classify any public existence or acknowledgement of LGBT identities as “pornographic.” And in turn classify showing “pornography” to children is pedophilia and worthy of being put on the sex offender registry. They want to make it so if say, a trans woman, goes out in public and a child sees her, then that is the equivalent of grooming an 8 year old child by showing them pornographic videos. Oh, and they also want to attach the death penalty to crimes of pedophilia.
I didn’t see how that will massively backfire on them at all.
You’re assuming the law will be applied consistently.
1% is 3.8 million people. They’ll likely be ostracized, forced into hiding, and we all know the effects of that.
We’re both describing terrible things, terrible things that are short of hunting people down and loading them into trains.
Your comparison does a disservice to everyone. Setting the bar at the damn holocaust gives our opponents an easy out. “They act like we’re”, “we’re just”, are the natural, easy responses.
Don’t give them easy outs. Things can be less terrible than the actual Holocaust and still be terrible.
They’re talking about rounding up 20 million people and deporting them. Do you really think you can do that without setting up massive camps that match or exceed the scale of anything the Nazis set up? And if you really want to move that many people around, you may end up having to use trains.
Oh, and worse, they have no plan on how to actually deport that many people. The Nazis originally planned to deport all the Jews as well. Yet they quickly found that there simply weren’t enough nations willing to accept all these deportees. Other countries aren’t obligated to accept your deportees.
So you now have millions of people in camps, costing a fortune to maintain, and no where to send these people. That always ends in slavery, death, or death by slavery. Whenever your plan starts with “round up tens of millions of people and put them in camps,” you can guarantee that a massive death toll is going to follow.
And I think your comment here is a hell of a lot more valuable than starting out with “IDK How to tell you this, but fascist racists own everything and are planning to kill a whole bunch of people soon.”
You can’t just skip to the end of the worst case scenario without people blowing you off. I mostly agree with you; I just think that particular messaging is damaging.
I think starting off so dismissive until later in the thread makes it seem very much like you don’t mostly agree and is more damaging to the idea
Maybe I’m unusual here, but if I saw 200 corpses in a big pile, I would think that someone killed a whole bunch of people.
To your point, it’s funny how we frame things depending on the circumstances.
Growing up I always thought the Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre was some huge slaughter where hundreds of people died. Turns out it was seven people. Mobsters, actually, so it could be argued it was “gang violence”, but still. Seven people executed by a rival gang, and it’s a massacre.
At least 37 die, over 800 injured, and over 10000 were left homeless, but Tulsa ignored it for decades, then called it a,“race riot”.
Twenty children and six adults are murdered by a nutter and it’s still not a massacre, but at least it’s “tragic”, which is a step up from the average school shooting, which is normally called “Tuesday”.
Over 45,000 Afghan civilians died from 2001-2021, but that’s not a massacre, just collateral damage.
But that’s over twenty years, of course that’s not a massacre, plus they’re, you know, foreign. Now if 45,000 Americans died in one year, well, that would be different. Except they do, but because they lack insurance coverage. So, you know, that’s their fault for dying of preventable illnesses on account of being poor. That’s not a massacre, just good business.
But one CEO is murdered and it’s a tragedy again
Over 45,000 Afghan civilians died from 2001-2021, but that’s not a massacre, just collateral damage.
But that’s over twenty years, of course that’s not a massacre, plus they’re, you know, foreign. Now if 45,000 Americans died in one year, well, that would be different. Except they do, but because they lack insurance coverage. So, you know, that’s their fault for dying of preventable illnesses on account of being poor. That’s not a massacre, just good business.
And when Israel kills that many Palestinians in one year, college kids get arrested for protesting it while Congress jacks off while rubberstamping another $10 billion of arms sales to Bibi.
Bro really wants to steal Truth Social’s userbase for more money. He found out that the left is a lot harder to scam.
Aka products of blue State education systems
Aka “brainwashed.”
There’s gotta be a way to own this word in a positive way; like yeah honestly uni did help me clean house on a lot of dirty habits and prejudices in my brain, what’s the issue?
she cute
And that’s all she has going for her
likely the case for both, but I was looking at the boopity boooooop not the booop boooooop.
Nazis are sub human and shouldnt have rights
The only good nazi is a dead nazi
Or maybe a grammar nazi… But I’m not sure they count
Nah, they are necessary evil. (grammar ones)
“A” necessary evil. I know I was baited, and I don’t care.
jesus christ.
It’s actually got nothing to do with race, it’s because of a lack of proper capitalisation and punctuation… right? It surely isn’t racism?
The weirdest thing here to me is that people call twitter an app. Not a site/community/whatever.
It is an app. It is also those things.
Zoomers and later generations mostly interact with Internet services through apps.
And boomers and relatively old generations.
I have older folks don’t really get what a website is, and family kids that don’t either.
Theres a narrow demographic that (as a whole) experienced the “old” internet outside of siloes and apps.
Eh… Never thought about it, people use xitter more on phones now
Yeah it’s a platform for racists and friends of racists (also racists).
But don’t be racist towards them tho!
The first word they did this with was cis. This will keep happening and the attacks will get worse until people act. Leave Twitter
Why do they call everything an “app”?
The app is just the interface, the interface did nothing wrong, the entire platform is cooked.
That’s a bit pedantic. App is used interchangeably to represent the whole platform.
I work as a SWE in a team with 15 year veterans at an App company that is a top 10 most downloaded on Android/iOS. We still use the word app this way in tech meetings.
Tech illiteracy
Also, Windows coined programs as apps, so pretty much any application may now be called app.
IOs application? -> App
VLC mediaplayer? -> App
Console videogame? -> App
Website? -> App
Calculator function on a smartwatch? -> App
The fully hardware-based light sensor that closes the blinds? -> App
My cat running to the bowl when I put new food in? -> Soon to be an App
You wouldn’t download a cat!
You don’t need to download a cat. They distribute themselves very well. It’s a feature. Try walking around with psspsspss coming out of your mouth and fancy snacks in your pockets and see what happens.
Cat downloads human in this case.
Potato skins loaded with cheese and bacon? -> App
Trying to download … stupid slow bandwidth! D’oh!