how’d you find the guy?
Easy. We had a list of the fifteen or so guys that did that specific part of the job, we got their IP addresses, watched them for a while, and as it turns out, two of them regularly use a VPN and send all of their traffic to Canada.
How long do you think it would take to figure out whether or not which one of these boys are harmless software pirates, or their man?
People do all of the work in the world without knowing that your preparation will blow your cover.
Have you ever visited TailsOS’s website off of a VPN? Could the Feds find out? Do you think the other guys have the same level of deniability?
That trail is not washing off. You even knowing or having a history of using a Linux iso is suspicion enough if the rest of the suspects are all boring chuds.
You need at least 7 proxies.
Not even, it’s just comparing you to the average joe.
Who’s more suspicious? The dude who visits GitHub, has a Matrix account and visits the arch wiki every six months or the dude who mostly sticks to Facebook talking to his family?
FBI: …I don’t see anything
Yeah right.
That was meant to be a joke. Wasn’t the whole “7 proxies” a meme back in the day?
This guy is so into his fantasy he can’t see a joke comment a mile away. Actually wait, he knows Linux i hope he doesn’t hack me :(
Haha, yeah, I didn’t notice until after I posted (hence the edit removing the “sorry” portion). Also related:
Is this some leet hacker fantasy where you are persecuted for using Linux? Lemmy you never disappoint lmao
Shit take but ok.
If you want to feel inferior for not using Linux, there’s plenty of boards for that.
Hell, I’ll make you feel inferior right now if you like. How many comments do you want? I’ll go grab my tech meme folder and we can /g/ this place up.
Oooh more salt nice lol
*whose adversary
No busy roads, no flights with very few onboard, no views from balconies or other such places like large hotel windows. Cook everything yourself and you’ll be alright!
Who is?
That’s probably the CIA poison affecting my ability to typ…
Edward Snowden is a prime example of how to handle it.
Only communicated via encrypted channels.
When revealing himself and his leak, he had already left his home country. He was trying to make it to South America when the US canceled his passport.
I’m sure he has still had to worry about his personal safety after getting stuck in a country he wasn’t planning on getting stuck in.
But the reality is you have to meticulously plan and basically abandon your entire life and move somewhere they cannot touch you. When it comes to US companies, you generally will have to do like Snowden and avoid US-allied nations.
See also: Steven Donziger and Chevron
Donziger was placed under house arrest in August 2019 while awaiting trial on charges of criminal contempt of court, which arose during his appeal against Kaplan’s RICO decision, when he refused to turn over electronic devices he owned to Chevron’s forensics experts. In July 2021, US District Judge Loretta Preska found him guilty, and Donziger was sentenced to 6 months in jail in October 2021. While Donziger was under house arrest in 2020, twenty-nine Nobel laureates described the actions taken by Chevron against him as “judicial harassment.” Human rights campaigners called Chevron’s actions an example of a strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP). In April 2021, six members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus demanded that the Department of Justice review Donziger’s case. In September 2021, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights stated that the pre-trial detention imposed on Donziger was illegal and called for his release. Having spent 45 days in prison and a combined total of 993 days under house arrest, Donziger was released on April 25, 2022.
US corporations can and will bring the weight of the US “justice” system on whistleblowers. The US is not unique in this regard. Whatever giant company you’re whistleblowing against, you better GTFO of the country they are based in.
The United States - Freedom of Corruption, Indignity and Distrust for All!
Snowden was an IT expert, it certainly helps. His book is a great read.
Yeah so many people talk about Snowden going to Russia and ignore the fact that he was only in Russia transferring to another plane when his passport was cancelled stranding him there. The choice was basically stay there, or go back to the US, and that wasn’t really an option.
Why the US would want to leave him in Russia as a potential asset for Russian intelligence to break instead of letting him get to a different country that isn’t such a direct threat though is a really good question.
Easy. They got to call him a Russian operative and brush it under the rug. Go ask the average person about snowden
They can say whatever they want about him without actually stranding him in Russia to literally be a potential further leak. The info he leaked is different than his knowledge of processes and systems.
But he was a data analyst so his knowledge of processes and systems would be basically useless as all he would have known would have been how to access the file stores that were being gathered and provided by other agencies for his agency to review. It’s not like if Russia put him on a rack and tortured him. They’d find much useful information. At worst they would be able to confirm things they already very strongly suspect.
US went so far as to bring down a sovereign nations Presidential plane to search it for Snowden.
I wonder if Morales got any concessions for agreeing to land his plane and allow a search.
He was a democratically elected leader from the left in Latin America. Not being murdered in his sleep could be considered special concessions.
Those Boeing Whistleblowers should’ve left the country 😓
Preferably, not via Boeing aircraft.
Definitely a dead man switch, and several letters from me and my psychiatrist specifying that I’m not suicidal.
“Circumstances change”
You have a psychiatrist? Must have been coo coo before.
There are apps that will upload video to the web live while recording in the background. Don’t have any interactions with random strangers that you aren’t recording. Have security cams at your house recording 24/7 saving remotely to a secure server.
Dead Man’s Switch. Something something Notary Public
And you’ll need to publicly advertise that you are using one for it to be effective.
Not necessarily. The only people who would need to know are the people who are already researching you to have you killed for a potential leak, and they would operate under the assumption of a DMS in place already.
Also, the payload needs to be worse than what you are already disclosing…
Not necessarily. They just need to want to prevent it from being disclosed more than they want to kill you.
Worth noting that this is something that can change over time. For example, if Snowden had done such a thing, it would be essentially useless now, since the known and accepted activities of the US government are now worse than what Snowden revealed.
The trick is to suicide yourself before they do it
Lmfao. That’s like cops saying: “Wait, you can’t kill your self!” shoot you to death “There, we fixed it!”
Psych eval, video uploads, video camera on me at all times with an atty that has access to the recordings.
Take the advice offered by journalists on how to contact them privately and avoid getting caught. I.e. secure and protect evidence without raising suspicion. Contact a reputable journalist via some secure means of communication. Let them take over and keep silent. Don’t brag or something.
This children is why the need for private communication isn’t something you can laugh away by claiming you have nothing to hide.
Absolutely. There are many reasons, but attacks on journalists/whistleblowers and the malicious potential of collated data in a capitalist oligarchy are the first two that come to mind.
Yeah but I am a wagie within the system… Its all good, I am daddy’s team
Encrypt email with anyone who publishes a key. If “bad” emails are the only ones you encrypt, then that metadata can be used to raise suspicion of you and to trace your contacts.
there exists a dark package infrastructure. usually used for stealing money from grannies but does drug drops and others. get in contact with them on a burner. send them the package with fee and they will deliver it anywhere you need it.
make sure you find a scapegoat within your company that knows what’s going on but doesn’t know you know. make them the whistleblower.
sit back and enjoy the shitshow as the trust breaks down and the company goes under.
None. If you’ve ever worked at Boeing, you know this is not something they are capable of doing (honestly it is a shock they are in business at all).
All it takes is money to hire someone who is capable.
Their margins are negative (like 45%negative) in 2 of 3 business units. Business skills like those suggest the leadership isn’t even smart enough to think of suiciding anyone, which aligns with my personal experience there.
Only use encrypted communication, use a phone running GraphineOS, and your computer should be running a secure OS like QubesOS (in addition to Tor and/or MullvadVPN). Basically you need maximum security and maximum privacy, a Thinkpad running Libreboot is the best laptop and a Pixel will be the best phone.
Good suggestions, however, I don’t think even pigeon carriers will stop yourself from mysteriously dying of suicide with 2 shots in the back of your head.
Of course, at the same time its not harmful to do as much as you can. However, as the saying goes “the game was rigged from the start”
Was just looking at something like how to execute on that this morning as my morning coffee dive down an internet rabbit hole.
There’s this guy named Michael Bazzell who used to make a podcast about stuff like this, and he also wrote a book called Extreme Privacy that I thumbed through this morning. He talks about where to go to get a ghost address, how to buy and set up a cell phone to be virtually anonymous, how to buy a house anonymously or how to re-title your car to a trust or LLC, and pretty much everything in between. Even talks about what information to not divulge when you go to the ER and details what to consider you put on your kids birth certificate.
So if anyone is paranoid enough to know how to avoid getting suicided, I’m going to bet on this guy’s advice
Do you know where to find the podcast? Its seems like they dissappeared from the internet 🤨
He’s THAT good
His podcast ended and he’s worked to remove them where possible. While I don’t know if there are archives of it I can vouch for the quality of his books. They receive updates throughout the year and are step by step guides on how to lock down certain aspects of your life. Its worth purchasing.