You realise that every one of those talking points is a red herring to help throw you off the actual Republican agenda.
Heritage Foundation and others working behind the scenes non-stop to rig every system and tear down support services and destroy safety nets. Milk the ever living lights out of everyone not in the upper-tiers. A new domestic economic slavery class.
Lmao they absolutely do not.
Drain the swamp
Trump fills the swamp, swims in the swamp, fucks every alligator in the swamp.
Build a wall and made mexico pay for it
Fucks up the wall, charges taxpayers.
Taxation is theft
Trump increases taxes on the middle class, lowers his own taxes.
They’re just too fuckin stupid to notice who’s actually fucking them.
You realise that every one of those talking points is a red herring to help throw you off the actual Republican agenda.
Heritage Foundation and others working behind the scenes non-stop to rig every system and tear down support services and destroy safety nets. Milk the ever living lights out of everyone not in the upper-tiers. A new domestic economic slavery class.
That just adds to their argument?