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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • 8 BEEELLION USD per YEAR for a Private Business Owner … PLEASE SIGN ME UP ! :-D

    Are you seriously thinking that SpaceX can generate 8 BILLION USD revenue ???

    StarLink probably brings in about 30 to 50 USD million per year … thats not taking into account the cost of StarLink satellite launches … so that is probably break-even or a small loss-leader. ( there are maybe about 80 million StarLink customers ? paying 50 USD per month … )

    Please give me even 1 MILLION USD ! :-D Let alone 8 ! EIGHT ! VIII !!! BEEELLLION DOLLARS !!!

  • Mighty unpopular opinion here.

    OP you are there at the Uni to learn to grow and pass the course+exams. If you need to do extracurricular activities, please setup time at home, travel home to do those things.

    If home is faraway and you still want to do it, find a reliable off-campus-non-dorm location and do your stuff from there.

    Your main objective is to get through Uni without falling behind and managing your time and effort wisely. If you fail Uni because you focused too much on non-essential activities, be a responsible adult and accept the results of your adult decisions.

  • A lot of Unis have IT on a shoestring budget.Especially the CompSci dept have the most idiotic IT “professionals” working there.

    Usually it is the Sciences dept like Mech-E or Tech-E or Elec-E who run massive Compute nodes for Rendering Physics or Fluid dynamics or something something research …

    Unfortunately, the Unis that have massive student dorms on-campus tend not to isolate their networks properly and allow students to directly connect to all depts Networks without any barriers. The isolation happens between LAN and Internet which is where most of the controls and filtering happens.

    It would be nice if each dept had their own VPN servers and proper network isolation at the LAN instead of the crazy monkey wiring everything to everything else on-campus.

  • I had an entire LIFETIME in ONE night. Dream was super realistic, but it was all anime waifus. From earliest childhood memory till old age and that final darkness basically that last moment woke me up with a start. I never imagined that an entire lifetime in one night dream.

    I don’t think I ever had such an experience ever again. It was just one time. Never to happen again so far.

  • Evangelists exist in all communities. I was simply stating that people whose agenda to convert you to Linux may not always have other peoples best interests at heart. Clearly I don’t have that agenda. I would prefer people made their own decisions and choices based on their own needs. Not forced into an untenable situation.

    I like how upvote/downvote does not matter on Lemmy.

    Its about free speech as in beer. And not censorship. We can have our opinions without fear of being the unpopular opinion.