Guillotine Party!
Universal healthcare, securities tax, punitive top-tier income tax. We can get rid of these parasites like we got rid of the robber barons, or we can do it like the French got rid of their first and second estate.
Guillotine Party!
Universal healthcare, securities tax, punitive top-tier income tax. We can get rid of these parasites like we got rid of the robber barons, or we can do it like the French got rid of their first and second estate.
True, true. Today, there is entirely too much silicon in their circuitry. Copper was - and is - a far more reliable means of delivering power to compressor.
My mom’s deep freezer has been in her garage for 30+ years, reaching ambient temperatures as low as -30C.
Send it.
The Onion buys rightwing conspiracy theory site Infowars with plans to make it ‘very funny, very stupid’
They’re halfway there already.
Certainly. Most of the 20th century, the top tier tax rate was set at a level that can only be described as “punitive”. It was higher than 90% to kill off the robber barons.
While I am not morally opposed to beheading rich people, we really need to go back to the tax rates we had in the 50’s. And add a securities tax, payable in shares of that security, that the IRS can liquidate slowly over time.
If you’re at the pole, just walk due south.
Since you’re outsourcing this, the adjudicator is either the first contract killer involved, or the second contract killer you specifically hired to deal with that first contract killer.
Can’t wait to Baader-Meinhoff this one…
My advice: Don’t setup dual boot.
Instead, setup Virtualbox in your Linux instance, and install Windows in a VM. You’ll have access to a windows “crutch”, without having to leave Linux to use it.
The laundromat has angry people who don’t want to be there,
I live in a college town. The laundromat nearest me has a bar.
Just tell them you’re contagious, and don’t want to pass it on to them.
As shepherds we shall be…
8am is the latest sunrise in a Detroit winter on EST, UTC-5. If you want it earlier, Detroit can’t be on EST, let alone EDT. They would need to be on CST, UTC-6, which the never are. Solar noon would be around 11:15 AM. Sunset would be before 4PM.
Are you just being contrary for the sake of being contrary?
There is an issue with the paint. It is not adhering properly.
The paint normally provides UV protection to the carbon fiber reinforced polymer wings. With the paint flaking off, the tape is here to provide UV protection to the CFRP.
Let’s stop using the terms “DST” and “standard time”. They really confuse the issue. The contiguous US uses UTC-4 (EDT) , UTC-5 (EST/CDT) UTC-6 (CST/MDT), UTC-7 (MST/PDT) and UTC-8 (PST) time zones. We aren’t all going to be using the same UTC offset for permanent time. We are all going to be adopting the UTC offset that makes sense for our region.
New England and Michigan are currently in the same time zone, which switches between UTC-4 and UTC-5. Year-round UTC-5 puts dawn before 4am in New York City during the summer. New England should absolutely not be on UTC-5 in the summer. They should be on UTC-4. On permanent UTC-4, New York dawns will always be between 5 and 8 AM.
Year-round UTC-4 puts dawn at 9am in Detroit during the winter. Detroit should absolutely not be in UTC-4 in the winter. On permanent UTC-5, Detroit dawns will always be between 5 and 8 AM.
New York should be on permanent UTC-4. Detroit should be on permanent UTC-5.
Its easier to illuminate a bedroom in the morning than the great outdoors in a ridiculously early evening.
It is amazing how many problems would be resolved with liberal use of (figurative) guillotines.
Drop “daylight savings time” and “standard time” monikers. Use UTC offsets, and tell us what state you are in.
New York and Michigan are currently in the same time zone. When we go to permanent time, they should not be.
Michigan in UTC-4 (EDT) winter would have a sunrise after 9AM. That’s fucking absurd; they should not be on UTC-4 during winter. They should be permanently on UTC-5.
New York in UTC-5 (EST) would have a summer sunrise before 4AM. That’s fucking absurd. They should not be on UTC-5 in the summer. They should be permanently on UTC-4.
Maine’s earliest sunset on UTC-5 will be at 3:45PM. That is criminally insane. They should permanently be on UTC-4, or maybe even UTC-3.
Daylight smart bulbs, fading on in the bedroom at summertime schedules, year round. Game changer.
“Protesting” isn’t what we need. We need them running for office, whether that is president, senator, congressperson, or even for the local school board: a lot of those lower officers will move up over time.
Just like the remnants of the Tea Party took over the GOP, we need a “Guillotine Party” to redirect the Democrats to focus on the robber baron billionaire class.