Poached if necessary
I choose to see it as stealing eggs from the nests of eagles and condors.
I wonder when poached eggs are necessary
Tired of boiled maybe, like necessary for your sanity
Just throwing in a little shame for free
This is what is now called a keto diet. Eggs, due to high protein, work as an appetite suppressant for several hours. Sugar causes cravings in a few.
There was never, among other things, a high population of obese people until the recommendation of the low fat diet (pyramid diet). Usually you would just see them at carnivals.
I’ve gone back to the 60’s diet several years ago. Lost 95 lbs, have increased energy levels, feel great.
10/10 recommend
The wine is probably 500 Calories in carbs though.
True, but I don’t drink alcohol unless it’s a dry wine, or a low carb seltzer.
Low calorie seltzers dont exist. They just aren’t required to include alcohol in the Calorie count. One ounce of pure alcohol is about 250 Calories.
I don’t pay attention to calories, just the carbs I intake. However I have to watch my intake of alcohol because it will mess with your metabolism.
I could 100% live on this diet. It is probably almost as healthy as I eat now.
tummy ache city
I would absolutely vomit on this diet.
That’ll help with your figure even more!
I guess that’s the point? Besides, it’s only three days
I’m pretty sure fasting for 3 days would have the same weight loss effect and be healthier.
Or just do the sort of liquid diet that you need to do before a colonoscopy or something like that.
People eat way worse than this and manage to live through it (for a while).
Replace the egg by a croissant, add a cigarette after each meal. Become condescending. Move to France. Blend in.
Replace the egg by a œuf.
Imagine that being your fuel for every day. Oh, and while you’re at it, wrangle one or more small [animal-like] children all day, keep the entire house clean, and dinner better be ready when I get home–it’s been a hard day at work. And stop being such a bitch, eh?
The booze was less of a diet aid and more of an anti-psychotic, I assume.
This diet was easy with a health dose of amphetamines. Wine took the edge off.
With a healthy enough dose, you can speedrun this by cutting the eggs, coffee, wine, and steak.
That’s what I’m talking about!
So passé, it’s ecig now.
Yes you do lose weight when you develop cirrhosis of the liver.
Sponsored by a wine maker. A bottle of wine a day - jeeze.
Yeah right, you give me that much wine and I’m eating all the escargot.
ah yes, the trembling alcoholic diet
On a single bottle of wine?
That’s why theyre trembling.
Wine + coffee
But you would build resistance to both over about three weeks.
tbf when I was young and single and would go out 4 times a week I was the skiniest I’ve ever been
I was always skinny, no matter my diet or exercise etc. until I turned 30. I’m a bit above normal now, not fat but got some stuff to tug on. Looking back at photos from my crazy party years is scary, almost feels like a miracle that I’m still alive. I was so damn skinny and had almost green skin colour, just sickly looking. That’ll definitely come and bite me in the ass in older days.
Young is doing a lot of lifting.
Just as I never had to when I was young…
When I was 20 I ate pizza and drank soft drinks every day for two years straight and I was fine. Having the youth and body that allows you to make tons of mistakes is great.
It’s not only that. The acohol diet is real. We go out and drink drink drink, puke, no sleep, work work work. I was living out of 1 sandwich a day and It was fine. Of course my body allowed me to do this lol, nowdays if you ask me out past 8pm I think you are insane
Very similar to The Drinking Man’s Diet.
Unspoken component of this diet was an array of experimental opioids and uppers that were handed out to housewives like tic-tacs.
Unlike now, when the target demographic for pharmaceutical stimulants is mainly children.
Coffee candies were promoted to acclimate children to the taste of coffee (and the bitter caffeine molecule)!
I don’t know why you’ve been downvoted but you’re right
Mother’s Little Helper
I know someone who gets the shits from egg yokes and also coffee on occasion. This diet would work well for them because they’d shit themselves inside out after 3 days of this.
Lemon juice at dinner guarantees that you reach max level of heartburn, if not yet.
The first time I ever experienced heartburn, it was so bad that I felt like a chestburster alien was trying to come out. I was absolutely desperate and immediately started trying the home remedies, none of which did shit.
I went to the doctor later and I was like, “This cannot be heartburn. I’ve seen the heartburn commercials and this is so much worse. And the commercials all have old men with heartburn.”
Surprise! Chronic heartburn started as a 22-year-old woman.
One of many reasons that medications should not be allowed to be advertised on TV.
I had heartburn when I started eating really unhealthily and putting off exercise around the time before I went vegan. Because I didn’t know what I was doing at first I dropped a ton of weight, then gained some of it back when I discovered the array of processed vegan junk food.
I rarely get it now but when I do it’s after I haven’t been active for awhile—in other words when I start getting fat.
I had horrible heartburn throughout my 20s and into my 30s. Mentioned it to every doctor. It would keep me up at night. It would hurt like a bitch and I’d often feel like i was throwing up. One new doctor was like, “you ever try a food allergen panel?”
Turns out, I’m allergic to caesin. It’s a protein in pretty much all dairy. Stopped having dairy products and heartburn is 99% gone.
Moral of the story: heartburn can be caused by a tonne of reasons and it’s hard to pinpoint if there’s even something concrete to even point to
That wine is gonna kick like a mule on an empty stomach.
And the coffee to really make you going.
Coffee to get you up wine to bring you down, everything in balance.
Clearly the key to success is how hard-boiled the eggs are.
I was a little curious why the egg has to be hard boiled.
The thing is, flavor wasnt invented until about 1980
Which is wild considering the spice trades of the… (according to the internet, prehistory through modernity, so that’s a thing…)
I have to assume that 1950s housewives were so thoroughly drugged up that they couldn’t tell the difference…
I know that they made everything in jello/aspic because gelatin was formerly a luxury, like sugar and basically any spices, so they went a bit batshit when they got cheap access…
I’ve been watching Sandwiches of History on YT lately, and noticing how much anchovy paste he goes through. I’m certain that 100 years ago, people were smoking so many cigarettes they had no sense of tastes except for the strongest concentrates.
Anchovy paste makes sense, much like using soy sauce or fish sauce or miso paste or even tomato paste does. You just don’t use a ton of it. It doesn’t necessarily taste fishy, but it adds a lot of umami and salt. It improves most soups, for example.
No butter or margarine maybe?
Because it’s harder to digest! The point is, you use more calories digesting a hard boiled egg than you get from it. Or so the theory was at the time.
Well that’s just fucking nonsense. At least the celery myth starts on the premise that celery has 15 calories a serving instead of an egg, a food literally packed with all the calories and protein you need to make a baby chicken.
Does celery have a lot of protein? TIL
No, but it also isn’t calorie-neutral, or calorie-reducing like fad diets claim…
That’s nuts. I just assumed it was because hardboiled eggs are cooked without additional fat