I’d like to become a tree.
I don’t personally care. Burials and other ceremonies are for the living. I’d prefer something that doesn’t harm our environment and to donate as many organs as possible, but that’s pretty much it.
I like what you said about being a tree. I may steal that.
I don’t have kids. I plan to leave my assets to a charity. Probably something for animals but I haven’t really planned that far ahead yet.
Right on.
If you want to be a tree, go cremation. Trees get their carbon from the air not the soil.
I thought cremains would be worse for the tree.
They are. I researched it because my mother wanted to grow a lemon tree from her cremains. Human ashes are too acidic for most plants to grow in unless you mix them with soil or compost. Which doesn’t seem at all respectful.
I believe they are mostly not even ashes, just ground up bone fragments
Thats just carbon though. Surely the nutrients in the ground are equally important.
If I had my way about it, I’d have a tree planted over me, but I don’t expect to know the difference, so I don’t really think about it much.
I don’t really care, not planning on dying within the next few decades. Maybe by then, we’ll already be in space, and whoever has to make that decision can just push my body out of the air lock.
You can never truly be prepared for death, natural death just like accidental death can happen at anytime in any place with out you knowing until it’s too late.
Good point. I should already be registered as an organ donor, although I have no idea how that process works.
On my country (AR) you can express your decision when you renew your mandatory national ID.
Same here. I just checked, and it’s on the front of my drivers license.
When my mother went, the hospital staff asked us if she was a donor.
Not sure about being registered as an organ donor because it’s different for every country, maybe try looking up what to do for your specific area and see what comes up.
I’m not really interested in it.
Interested enough to mention it.
Strip me for parts and give the rest to science. I’m not real sentimental about my body once I’m done with it.
Same + cremate anything that can be used and spread it somewhere insignificant
This and compost the rest. Now available in WA!
Yeh. This.
We did this for my dad, and my mom will follow the same path, I think.
Some burocracy (and educating burocrats, as the law allowing for this in my country 🇦🇷 is recent) but it’s worth to do something useful of oneself after death while not enriching the post-mortem mafia.
Of course both my brother and I want the same for ourselves.
The way things are going, I fully expect to be turned into Soylent Green
I don’t give a fuck, I’ll be dead.
I had planned on (organ donation first of course, but then) cremation, mostly to make my leftover remains easier and cheaper to deal with. Lately I’ve heard about rapid-composting, which is supposed to be more environmental. So that might be good. But it might be more expensive, in which case back to the plan.
Rapid composting, like, turn you into soil?
An example:
(I looked up “human composting” and Google knows I live in California, ymmv)
Edit: by “rapid” I mean faster than dumping you in the woods, it says 45 days.
Trebuchet my bloated corpse into Dick Cheney’s living room
I found a service that will mix your ashes in concrete and make you into an artificial reef. I like the idea of getting coral and sea fans to grow on me.
Now that’s an idea…
viking style. I want to be pushed out to sea on a magnificent hand-crafted canoe. Then someone is going to shoot a flaming arrow into my canoe and I’ll go out in a blaze of glory. No one said you can’t request this and I think it would be pretty sweet. Needs instrumental accompaniment.
Just be sure you give someone a heads up so that they can practice their archery enough to actually set you on fire
It’s okay, the band has “Entry Of The Gladiators” prepared in case this part of the send-off is missed.
I love that piece. I want it played at my funeral.
Adagio For Strings. The proper version, not the dance track.
Gotta launch the arrows at the climax, too, for maximum effect.
Don’t think I’ll have the capacity to care, but put me in the ground with nothing but a light porous cloth covering so all the nutrients and microorganisms can be utilized by nature.
Eat me, bang me, fill me up with cream. Who gives a shit?
I told my kids to claim my skull for the mantle and compost the rest