Over 5 of the top50 fortune-400 are us-american “healthcare” - companies amassing a combined profit of over 1.5t$ in 2024. Companies that should COST money for a civilized nation, not make a profit for a handful douches.
But yeah, you guys are wondefully distracted by the clowns-election that would change nothing in either way, whichever clown gets to be the top-clown.
Over 5 of the top50 fortune-400 are us-american “healthcare” - companies amassing a combined profit of over 1.5t$ in 2024. Companies that should COST money for a civilized nation, not make a profit for a handful douches. But yeah, you guys are wondefully distracted by the clowns-election that would change nothing in either way, whichever clown gets to be the top-clown.