• elbucho@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    If Biden had decided to keep running, I can almost guarantee you that enough of the party would have rallied behind him that he’d get the official nod next month. He absolutely could have continued stroking his ego at the expense of the country. Eventually, however, enough people talked him out of it and made him see that he was probably not going to win, and he needed to step aside for the good of the country. Regardless of whether he did so willingly, or kicking and screaming, he made the right choice at the cost of his ego. It seems like a really small thing, but you’ve got to remember that presidents are, as a rule, huge egomaniacs. You kind of have to be to get into that position in the first place. To an egomaniac, putting anything above their own desires is a big deal.

    It’s not a particularly flattering picture of him, but he will absolutely be remembered for putting America first.