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Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I mean, everything does happen for a reason. It’s just that most of the time, the reason is “because so-and-so is an asshole”. It makes it essentially a useless platitude, but not an untrue one. I definitely take issue with the implication of it, that there’s some supreme, all-knowing authority in the universe who has this complicated, labyrinthine plan for everyone that involves massive amounts of suffering. That whole “mysterious plan of God” thing is a way for Christians to take credit for all of the good stuff that happens, while downplaying all of the bad stuff that happens as just “part of God’s plan!” It’s insidious.

  • I find it fascinating how media companies evolved their usage of ads over time. Used to be that the purpose of showing someone an ad was to get them to buy your product. Now, though, the companies who make the ads are paying to have them put on media networks who use the ads to annoy you into paying for a premium membership so you don’t have to see them. It’s double dipping.

    Not sure how I would feel if I made an ad, and YouTube was saying to their users: “Yeah, you like that fucking ad? Super annoying, isn’t it? If you don’t pay me more money, I’m going to cram that annoying bullshit down your throat every time you want to watch a video. I’m going to put ads at the beginning of videos. I’m going to sprinkle them throughout the middle. Hell, I’m even going to make you watch ads after the video ends! You like that, you little bitch??”

  • If Biden had decided to keep running, I can almost guarantee you that enough of the party would have rallied behind him that he’d get the official nod next month. He absolutely could have continued stroking his ego at the expense of the country. Eventually, however, enough people talked him out of it and made him see that he was probably not going to win, and he needed to step aside for the good of the country. Regardless of whether he did so willingly, or kicking and screaming, he made the right choice at the cost of his ego. It seems like a really small thing, but you’ve got to remember that presidents are, as a rule, huge egomaniacs. You kind of have to be to get into that position in the first place. To an egomaniac, putting anything above their own desires is a big deal.

    It’s not a particularly flattering picture of him, but he will absolutely be remembered for putting America first.

  • As much as I agree with Kyle’s sentiment, I can 100% understand Jack’s position here. In addition to wanting to remain eligible for movie and tv roles, he probably also doesn’t want to get shot. Security for singers is probably more lax than security for ex-presidents, after all (at least most of the time). It’s easy to imagine some troglodytic cultist piece of shit taking the band joking about killing their bloated lord and savior personally, and resolving to do something about it.

  • I’m an elder Gen X. Who are these people? Why should I care about them? Does their limited literacy and obvious homophobia have an impact on the wider world in general?

    Edit: Sorry; I didn’t notice the youtube link initially. I am shame.

    Anyway, I’m like 30 seconds in now, and it’s two fucking morons in shitty Costume City versions of chain mail talking about issues they’re wildly unfamiliar with, and somehow they’ve got, like, 100k followers? WTF? Am I just taking crazy pills?

    Edit edit: So, like, are these chodes like the Australian version of Andrew Taint?