cozy 90s BBS forums, obscure blogs, etc.
(Not really mobile friendly, which holds true to the old school Internet)
All of them, if you browse with Links.
LYNX v2.9.2 released in May 2024.
For better experience I recommend
Still in active development.pretty sure links is just a link to elinks now in most distros.
If you want one that isn’t actually from that time, just feels like it, I’d say
And pretty much the rest of the FSF and GNU websites.
gradients, animated GIFs, “best browsed on”, and a frame once you click enter. Only thing it’s missing is an index page.
Now, that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time.
Story time: In the super old days, I want to say 1996? 1997? I wrote a four or five line HTML that would split the screen into two horizontal frames, then split those each into vertical frames, then those horizontal – ad infinitum.
I don’t think there were any browsers that didn’t fail that test. I’m sure I only checked IE3 or IE4 and Netscape. One of them locked the computer up and had to be killed via “close program.” The other one locked the machine up and it became completely unresponsive, needing to be hard booted.
Excellent example.
Not a website, but since you mention BBSes…one thing that would look pretty familiar to a 1990s Internet user would be most of the text-based MUDs, the ancestor of MMORPGs, that are around.
The MUD Connector is still around, and still has a list of active MUDs
While I suspect that dedicated MUDders use dedicated clients, the base protocol is still normally telnet, a protocol that predates Internet Protocol itself.
I still mud on occasion. I used TinyFugue back when i started mudding in 88 or 89 (maybe lot was 89/90). I then used zMUD and later cMUD for years. Now I use MUDlet.
Florida’s unemployment website
Your way back search engine It even comes a surprise me button
I have the suprise page set as start page in my browser, so i get a surprise website, when i open a browser window.
Not the original, but…, home of the Linux kernel, hasn’t changed much. today: in 1998:
Along the same lines, today: in 2001:
Feels very home made.
I’m on a couple forum sites still (both phpbb I think). I still read but rarely if ever comment anymore.