literally none lol
Not even “All I Want For Christmas Is You”
I love that song unironically :)
A classmate long ago suggested, while we were learning about WW2, replacing You with Jews.
I can’t listen to that song without that memory popping in my head. It’s a bad song anyway but…
It’s allowed a few plays a year before it gets grating.
The problem is this quota already ran out until 2136 for me.
Anything by Adele.
I have nothing personal against Adele but something about her singing voice feels like she’s grinding glass into my eardrums. It’s painful to listen to.
That’s exactly it. A friend tried to tell me, “you don’t like her songs but you have to admit her voice is amazing”.
Umm, no.
Whatever Ireland did this Eurovision
“Entrance hidden by bricks and rubble” by Sad dam always makes me want to hide in a hole
My daughter (10) is into Black Pink currently. So I gues anything by Black Pink
I misread this as what song you would hear when you did this.
Well of course, endless noise (tsssss song) by tinnitus. (Made up)
Reminds me of a song about tinnitus called Push It by Garbage
The song isn’t bad, not my type tho. However, The music video is great.
There’s this one song I keep forgetting the name of but it was super popular in the early 2000s and it was in the radio all the time. Damn I hate that song!
If it’s alternative rock, I’d imagine it’s something off this list:
Hoobastank - The Reason Puddle of Mudd - Blurry. Also, She Hates Me. Evanescence - Bring Me to Life Trapt - Headstrong Audioslave - Like a Stone (mediocre song at best. Played non fucking stop for what felt like 5 years) Three Days Grace - I Hate Everything About You Nickelback - How You Remind Me (specifically this one, but the rest of their discography too) Seether - Broken Creed - With Arms Wide Open
It was Modjo - Lady but damn I would also mention each and every song of your list.
Butthole Surfers - Pepper is great, but it certainly brings intrusive thoughts with it:
Most songs by Our Lady Peace. Falsetto should be banned.
Every time I hear a rap I want to deafenin myself with a pencil.
RHCP are pretty high on my “can’t fucking stand 'em” list.
Like, all their songs?
I can’t stand anything they did after BSSM. Totally lost their mojo and every just felt bland. Prior to that - every album was a banger
“Somebody That I Used to Know” by Gotye.
Was played seemingly every hour back when I worked retail. Both in the store I worked in and many others. So incredibly overplayed.
2nd place would be any of Queen’s absurdly overplayed songs. I don’t even hear them as music anymore; they’re just annoying noise.
Anything by fucking Imagine Dragons. More like imagine dragging myself behind my Cadillac for 6 blocks, it’d be more pleasant
Dance Monkey by Tones and I
Any song by Dua Lipa