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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I recall talking to a vendor back… 8 years ago? Who had a colleague trialling hololens augmented maintenance. I personally felt it would be amazing to be able to look at equipment, bring up a model and explode it to get a look at (Yeah I know you can do that with a laptop, manufacturing lines have notoriously shitty wifi, not to mention greasy around equipment), assisted procedures were a cool idea too, helps people who may not be super familiar with your specific equipment, like shift or loaner maintenance people.

    Over a decade ago, different company, they had a bounty on video procedures, you’d strap a go pro to your head and record something like changing batteries, replacing o-rings, removal of electronics etc for a cash bonus. I’m a text and photo person but I totally see the value in video documentation.

    Microsoft had a demo at an ignite conference in 2020 if I recall of hololens doing ar metrics, person looked at things like the elevator and would give them real-time performance data, definitely a gimmick but I still think AR could be useful in an industrial setting.

  • If you’re ok with some bulk, go for an nvme enclosure. I have a sabrent one with a 256 GB crucial gen 3 drive in it, it’s a slow cheap drive, still substantially better than any usb key and you can put one together for under $100 cad including a longer high speed cable.

    I just did a fresh install off of my usb key and wow, super slow compared to any time I’ve done off my enclosure

  • My partner and I gave up destiny before witchqueen dropped, played pretty consistently since house of wolves with a pause just before forsaken until shadow keep. Absolutely loved the core mechanics and the PvP is some of my favourite, but it just felt so stale, barely any new maps, sunsetting old ones, lack of committing to ideas (4v4 was actually solid, some of the maps do not play well in 6s, 3s are fine though), rotating gamemode playlists like d1 had (for 6s I find control annoying after a while, 3s I liked relic in d1, mix in elimination and I’d be good)

    It’s a shame because as I said, core mechanics rock, slug shorties and hand cannons feel amazing, and fusion rifles are legitimately awesome as well. I have really solid memories of doing stupid things with stuff like the Le Monarque and No Land Beyond. Wasn’t a huge fan of some metas but had some fun times with the games.

  • First and foremost, I don’t know your circumstances but I can relate and I’m sorry. Your worth isn’t measured by “productivity” or “what you amount to”, you matter. Work Culture and general North American society isn’t great for us with ADHD, all we can do is try our best. I swear to you that even when things look dark and there’s no way out, it does end. I’m going to put a ramble of my experience in a spoiler.

    Long ramble of my experience

    My ADHD got me into a pit of credit card debt, small compared to others at just under $19k CAD but I still had $20k+ in my student loan and I couldn’t see a way out, struggled hard, kept deferring payments and hitting overdraft, legit at my worst point I was $20 from bankruptcy, I probably could have got support from family and my at the time girlfriend (now partner) but I was too ashamed of it, I didn’t want to admit it to my partner (and she knew it, I don’t lie well, not that that’s a skill I really want to have). It put a lot of strain on my relationship, made me the most anxious I’ve ever been and very nearly ended my relationship, my life was on the verge of falling apart completely, I’d be lying if I didn’t have the exact same thoughts.

    I was diagnosed 3 years ago at 31, I did what my dad (who’s likely got ADHD if not AuDHD, but won’t get evaluated) did and expended all my energy on work to the detriment of other parts of my life, I also struggled with binging (spending is obvious, but also alcohol and food) and emotional regulation.

    My partner is the reason I got evaluated, she convinced me to get into therapy (I have a good therapist who has ADHD, didn’t know that when I found them). After diagnosis, it took me at least a year to begin accepting that I have ADHD (funny that putting a name to it changes things right), that it effects everything I do and that I have, and will always have it. Hardest thing was realising just his much of my personality is influenced by it. Medication is helpful but it’s not perfect, but with therapy, it’s helped address some of the maladaptive coping mechanisms I developed.

    If you have access to therapy and aren’t already, it helped me immensely. Depending where you live there may be resources you can access through your health authority. We’re here if you want, even just venting can be helpful.

  • My dad was big into Sierra an Apogee so of what I can recall, be one of the incredible machine, king’s quest 6, duke nukem 2 or command keen. Also remember playing math and word rescue at like… 5, shareware was more than enough to keep me occupied at that age. First console game though was altered beast on the genesis.