Also I want to hear from you, is it ethical and why?

    7 months ago

    Sorry that was a bit hyperbole it would never be an all or nothing. You’d always have limited grass fed animal husbandry for milk and cheese. But my thought was that there should be some sort of rewilding effort for cows or Buffaloes or whatever their wild form even is or was in Europe.

    And I was thinking in the way of harm reduction which is a tactic for drug. You won’t convince a majority of people to not want meant so the demand will be there. So practically artificial meat is the only way.

      7 months ago

      As long as meat is sold for profit, animals well suffer.

      Synthetic milk (chemically the same as cow’s milk but from yeast) well be in grocery store shelves in the next 5 years. Idk if synthetic cheese will be though. Probably need to test interest/spend time culturing it.

      I’m familiar with “harm reduction” as a “vegan evangelist” of sorts it’s generally my goal with my time in this reality. There will be a time when it’s taboo to consume an animal. It’s just won’t be within our life times.

      Idk if your vegan but it appears we mostly agree. Lovely chatting with you.