For me the nostalgia glasses are turned up to the max for Crash Bandicoot.
I love the character designs, and the music is an absolute bop to listen to. (Got the first games theme as my ringtone even at 27!)
And I enjoyed a good challenge with some of its levels. The bosses were neat and I thought it was just an unusual neat idea that you jump on boxes to progress rather than punching a block for a fireflower.
Mario 64 and Banjo-Kazooie
If you can call it a platformer: Spyro
Yeah. I do think Spyro is a platformer. It’s a bunch of things, but I would have a hard time arguing any genre fits it better than platformer.
Edit: Also, great choice.
I sometimes feel like the only American that liked Bubsy. The biggest complaint I hear about it is that the jumping is super floaty; but that’s it’s strength! Once you get the rhythm of the game down, you’re basically Tribes style skiing through the levels. It’s awesome.
I’m rather a fan of Apogee’s Secret Agent. I loved it back in the day and then enjoyed the HD remaster of it a few years back.
If it’s got platformer elements, then it’s a platformer, right? Yes? Then Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is it for me.
I won’t say it’s my favorite, but I didn’t see it mentioned, yet, and it definitely deserves at least one mention: Earthworm Jim
If it’s got platformer elements, then it’s a platformer, right?
But I also argue that the second half of '89 counts as 90’s and that Wonder Boy III: The Dragon’s Trap was the best platformer I played in first half of the decade.
I’m a bit boring in terms of my favorite 90s platformer, but absolutely love Sonic 1 & 2.
Donkey Kong Country 2 will always be the pinnacle of 2D Platforming, though Yoshi’s Island comes in a close second place.
Gex: Enter the Gecko and Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko were so fun and absolutely hilarious!
I loved those too. Habe you seen the announcement of the remakes?
Yes! I’m super excited to replay them
Me too. Some levels more than others. I love the ninja level in enter the gecko
More like remaster
Yes, like that.
I’m not really a platformer fan but Abe’s Oddysee/Exodus and Kirby’s Dream Land are up there.
6 golden coins. Mario is so slippery and floaty
For me:
Super Mario World SNES Super Mario Land 2 and 3 GB
2D: Super Mario World. It just plays smooth af. Pretty close to a perfect videogame.
3D: Rayman 2. Platformers usually have a colorful and happy world. Rayman might still be colorful, but it stands out because it’s kinda grim. Gameplay wise… I should replay it, because I’m not actually sure anymore. I think all 3D platformers of this time could be a little bit janky. I remember there were some frustrating parts, at least for a kid.
Sonic 2. It came bundled with a lot of Sega Genesis consoles.
A fantastic game that you can technically complete in a sitting.
Sonic 2 or Sonic CD depending on the day for me
Earthworm Jim deserves a mention. Remember when games were funny?
Doctor Monkey-for-a-head remembers!