Thanks for hurting the environment I guess. Could have just boycotted tesla products and corporate tesla
Imagine having to resort to violence against a private company just because you lost an election LMAO 🤣
You guys do realize that by promoting this, you are doing JD Vance’s campaign for him, right?
The stunlock continues at pace.
I’m not from the US, but I straight out recommend quickly educating oneself about military stuff at this point - about fiber guided drones (here in Eastern Europe we like them) and remote weapons stations (we like those too). Because the US is heading somewhere at a rapid pace. Let’s hope it won’t get there (the simplest and most civil obstacle would be lots of court cases and Trumpists losing midterm elections), but if it does, then strongly worded letters will not suffice.
Trump’s administration:
“Agency,” unless otherwise indicated, means any authority of the United States that is an “agency” under 44 U.S.C. 3502(1), and shall also include the Federal Election Commission.
Vance, in his old interviews:
“I think that what Trump should do, if I was giving him one piece of advice: Fire every single midlevel bureaucrat, every civil servant in the administrative state, replace them with our people.”
Also Vance:
“We are in a late republican period,” Vance said later, evoking the common New Right view of America as Rome awaiting its Caesar. “If we’re going to push back against it, we’re going to have to get pretty wild, and pretty far out there, and go in directions that a lot of conservatives right now are uncomfortable with.”
Googling “how to remove a dictator?” when you already have one is doing it too late. On the day the self-admitted wannabe Caesar crosses his Rubicon, it better be so that some people already know what to aim at him.
Tesla dealerships… nah. I would not advise spending energy on them. But people, being only people, get emotional and do that kind of things.
And to go and take it out on people who aren’t involved, just because they own a vehicle. Childish brats.
If the major stakeholder and CEO is actively being an unelected politician addressing policy changes onto the public, then repercussions need to happen.
It would not be wise to show people that they can achieve plutocracy. Plutocrats only lose their power by losing their wealth, so if that’s what has to happen, then that is the plan.
Some advice for demonstrations (including propaganda of the deed):
- Wear a ski mask. Wear rubber gloves.
- Wear anonymous clothing.
- Don’t trust phones. Don’t use them to plan, and leave them turned on at home.
- Use a cell structure to organize, and share info on a need-to-know basis only.
- Assume there are not only cameras but microphones.
- Don’t drive anywhere near the location of the demo. Ride-haining services are even worse. Don’t even cycle in unless you can go off-road.
- Distinguish individuals’ property from corporate property.
- The goal is to live to fight another day. A fair fight is one in which you don’t get hurt.
Not having the phone with you is critical. But I assume planning is done on a laptop or desktop that is obviously not taken with?
Yep, anonymous browsers, burner accounts, and a VPN if you can. is your friend too.
You just want to set yourself up as best you can for the defense of “you can’t prove that was me.”
multiple is not enough.
Tesla will simply give the people new vehicles. If one wants to really hurt Tesla, don’t buy them.
Arguably making it a bad to own tesla would cost the company a lot more faster since nobody would want any of them. It is kinda assholish since people bought those terrible piles of garbage since they were told they were green and rich people luxury flex, while they refused to do their research about the vehicle and its innumerable issues.
Honestly dumping the bank owned car you keep in your yard for appearances for cheap would be a good idea since tesla will kill you in an otherwise survivable accident and it will turn off autopilot microseconds before crash in order to blame you.
Oh no! they should be dismantled instead of burned. Some of those electric motors could be put into better use.
It’s only ok to be violent if you’re a Republican. I’m not supporting this, but since Jan 6’ers were pardoned then these car vandalisms are totally legal too. I think they’re equally immoral.
You think the coup attempt that ended lives is just as bad as property damage?
Well the property damage was only in response to the actual violence. So it’s like slapping your murderer.
So you agree they arnt morally equivalent?
Only in the most sarcastic sense.
Keep it up!
Wow. Having not read the article (just the headline)… I seriously don’t understand why people torch/destroy other peoples stuff! Yes Elon bad, but why attack innocent civilians?! 10-ish years ago, you were considered a leftist nutjob with a hardon for climate change when you bought a Tesla (note: I do firmly believe in climate change), these days you’re a nazi driving the exact same car?… Debate, discussion, even disagreement between parties is all fine and dandy, but actually destroying other peoples property is - in my honest opinion - against the very thing people ‘are fighting for’.
because true love is only possible in the next world, for new people. it is too late for us. so they wreak havoc on the middle class. tesla owners aren’t exactly in the same working class that the arsonist is likely radicalized by being a part of. burning the cars send a message to nazis, to elon directly, and to a lesser but still real extent, the petty bourgeois class that acts as the operating oppressive arm of the oligarchy. not saying its right or moral or good or bad for any cause, just likely the mindset of someone who is setting fire to nazi cars in 2025.
the petty bourgeois class that acts as the operating oppressive arm of the oligarchy.
Good grief.
Stick to the showrooms and dealers. The victims in Las Vegas was just owners who brought their cars in to be fixed.
They can use the insurance money to get a non tesla. Clearly these confused autistic gestures are not working since the de facto tyrannyical government is not reacting to it at all and not labelling it “terrorism”.
After seeing american tesla owners drive rentals in iceland, my toughts and prayers are with each of the expensive luxury vehicle owners and their families going through this tough time.
still figuring out car bombs…
Thank god
Oh no!
how does this benefit anyone? I would rather disassemble it/sell it.
How did the Irish get the UK oppressor to negotiate?
By setting fire to Irish houses in Ireland that were built by the British?
That deff wasn’t it haha
Drives down the price of teslas.
Arson isn’t essential. A non violent act would be throwing eggs at the swasticar.
Apparently eggs cost a lot in the US now
Now, is not a time for non violent rebellion.
I think it’s always time for non violent rebellion. Make them take the first shot and they’ll make it plainly obvious to even the biggest supporters of the regime that they’re the baddies. Convince those with power to exercise it.
They’re helping put Tesla stock on sale to kindly help new investors get a piece of the company.
Driving up insurance rates is certainly a possibility.
Is the idea to hurt people that bought Teslas a few years ago?
No they are collateral demage…
The idea is to make Tesla brand toxic
Wouldn’t destroying the unsold Teslas and their shops be a better application of energy? That would directly and immediately hurt Tesla, both by destroying their stock, and raising or making them uninsurable. And they are fewer but contain a lot more value. Making individual buyers suffer seems stupid to me, when there seem to me much more efficient methods available
Hurting them hurts musk. Bad roll of the dice but it’s working.
Reduce sales because it will put people off buying one, in theory…
especially people are buying the trucks despite what musk is doing, so the customers are totally ignorant, and also supporting people like musk. alot of people were still buying teslas since 2022 takeover twitter, most of them are complicit.