Stick to the showrooms and dealers. The victims in Las Vegas was just owners who brought their cars in to be fixed.
still figuring out car bombs…
Thank god
Oh no!
how does this benefit anyone? I would rather disassemble it/sell it.
How did the Irish get the UK oppressor to negotiate?
By setting fire to Irish houses in Ireland that were built by the British?
That deff wasn’t it haha
Drives down the price of teslas.
Arson isn’t essential. A non violent act would be throwing eggs at the swasticar.
Apparently eggs cost a lot in the US now
Now, is not a time for non violent rebellion.
They’re helping put Tesla stock on sale to kindly help new investors get a piece of the company.
Driving up insurance rates is certainly a possibility.
Is the idea to hurt people that bought Teslas a few years ago?
Reduce sales because it will put people off buying one, in theory…
Stock gone, carry on
Looks like false flag.
“good terrorism” should be the next word of the year
terror act it self inherently is neither good or bad. people assign it that value depending on which side of the fuckening they come out.
i for one don’t cry over some rich man’s brand being destroy, the same way this man does not crime about us poors suffering.
that’s just the world we live in and that’s ok. i just wish more peasants got woke on the rules.
These things happen sometimes…
Spontaneous combustion
Been thinking about this a lot. They can say it’s terrorism. History is written by the winners.
Rebellion is constitutional, but not legal. If you rebel, you die a terrorist or live a hero. Not much middle ground.
How americans see themselves after cowardly vandalising some idiot’s car
Too bad roasted CEO isn’t on the menu yet
How Republicans feel after murdering a woman by deciding the fetus is more important.
What about the Germans and the French? Are they cowards too?
They know how to riot if they have too.
Hahaha 😂 10/10 meme
I’m not a big fan of that but I did notice there’s a new 2025 model y. At this point if you buy a Tesla you have it coming. If I saw someone destroying that I would look the other way.
Then I’m using plastic straws again, it’s no you buddy!
Intelligence is faster than you.
I don’t really get your point, but I think that’s a UN thing. I actually like paper straws. More nucleation points make the drink taste fizzier. Unless it’s a smoothie….
obvious sarcasm is not obvious enough?
Sorry m8te, I don’t know who you are so not sure when you’re being sarcastic! I rely on “/s” these days but I hear ya now load and clear. Hope you have a sick/awesome day!
Same to you, good night
On face value sure but if they as a vehicle become uninsurable Thats all the better for the world. Those cars are deathtraps anyway.
Welcome to reality
Good. Do more.
“Trump administration looking to categorize Tesla vandalism as domestic terrorism” Because Republicans are cowards without principles who can never even think of opposing him.
Ohhhhhh nooooooooooo! Let me grab my very tiny violin.