Edit: apparently they’re posters you can download https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1KPaA4jNHcWLFNbjl4M1Q5HxXROnZtYXd
Edit: apparently they’re posters you can download https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1KPaA4jNHcWLFNbjl4M1Q5HxXROnZtYXd
Congrats, you got the point of why they did it! They don’t care that you think it isn’t inclusive because you don’t dictate what is and isn’t inclusive. Male pronouns being used as gender-neutral ones is very old, and you sound exactly like the weirdos who can’t handle “they” as a pronoun for a person
Again: you don’t get to enforce conformity my guy