This picture looks like it was taken without permission
OP please delete the post and report the post where you sourced the image from
If you where the one that took the picture then shame on you and I hope that person reports you to the police
LMAO dude you need to keep up with your memes
what the actual fuck. 🤮
How does one use toilet paper in this ‘state’?
try { useToiletPaper(); }catch(Exception $e){ cussWords($e); rinseHands(); dryHands(); useToiletPaper(); }
$Shower = new $Shower(); $Shower->washAnus();
may be an acceptable alternative under some circumstances.
Just hop back to the shower.
I really like that font what is it?
Save the picture, crop it to the text only and upload it here:
You guys are only working on one project at a time?
I’m working on one project at a time.
But what needs to get done right now is a different story.
High priority is a key piece of information here.
Sadly it’s usually a shit in the shower situation.
Nothing wrong with the ol’ waffle stomp.
Said management.
Wait what?
I’m glad i got to be here when you learned about this
Stomp the pool through the shower grates obviously, unless this was rhetorical
I do not like this
I’m pretty sure the Internet is joking about it.
Pretty sure.
Ah yes, the delightful moment when you hear about this one for the first time. Truly beautiful to witness.
That person doesn’t look like they intended this picture to circulate on the internet.
How can you guys tell? It seems like exactly the kind of thing you’d stage for your gross-out memes insta.
The picture was shared by the person in the picture
I was concerned about that too at first
That’s not the source of the image, this post on reddit is older so it’s been circulating since before that, so probably not the person in the photo, but hard to tell with all the soap foam 😅
What did they intend for this picture, I wondee?
I feel they didn’t intend the picture at all, they found themselves in that situation and their SO, roommate or whatever took it.