Are Journalists (capital j?) sacred or something?
If not are we supposed to be outraged by ill will towards genocide apologists in general?
The journalists collaborating with the Nazis and OG Fascists should have been shot too.
And many were! Sometimes, things do work out!
You see, there actually is this thing called state sponsored propaganda and it’s not when PBS gets 5% of its budget to make children’s shows about counting.
If an Israeli can do her grocery shopping and carry an M16 on her back, Aisha from the Strip can play with Mittens and keep sentry.
Valid reaction to propaganda aiming to dehumanize palestinians.
The deprogram and its members are scumbag fascists, and I personally am pretty pro revolution at this point.
Ah yes, the left are now ‘fascists’. We know your logic, every accusation is a confession. Every time you play the victim role
Yes, red fascists are fascists. China Russia and North Korea are fascist states, and their supporters and sympathizers are fascists.
So hard for people to understand lol. “But they said they were communists!” “And you believed them?”
Also hard for them to understand that liberals can be revolutionary. Like… all those revolutions we had, all those times when we said “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
People conflate classical liberalism and neoliberalism all the time.
I don’t care about the reactions in the comments, but the post itself was, at best, abhorrent.