They will 100% sacrifice their own happiness and rights if they know it’s hurting people who live their lives is ways they don’t like.
This isn’t an exaggeration.
They literally want bloodshed and the world to burn
This is conservative vengeance
And everyone is going to suffer from it
I realized this during the 2016 election. People always say they are voting against their own interests, but their only real interest is to spite someone else. Hurting other people is a win, for them.
they want to be openly fascist
A MAGA I know told me this is all worth it because he doesn’t want his son to know gay people exist and wants revenge on the people who told him he can’t say “Merry Christmas” anymore…
So straw man arguments and a misunderstanding of sexuality.
That it is satisfying and a victory that somebody else is hurting, maybe?
They think all of the gov’ment was corrupt and bad, so they’re cheering for the destruction of all gov’ment.
Check r/conservative and you get a fair idea.
I do. There is no information there i couldn’t find written on a bathroom wall.
That makes sense, it’s probably the same people writing both messages.
It hurts people they think are lesser, such as LGBTQ and people of color. Racism and bigotry are very much alive in the USA. They would eat a shit sandwich if they thought a lib would smell their breath. Hate is all they know.
“We made people we don’t like fucking miserable for a bit”
Ultimately the kind of person that goes all in on a cult like MAGA could lose everything to shitty policy or because their great leader started a war or smth – But they’ll still reason it was worth it because all those <Slur>s were put in their place.
Crabs in a bucket. They don’t care if things get worse for them as long as they inflict the same suffering on everyone else.
I normally do not talk politics with people I know, but this one person said they like trump because: “all I know is when he was president, I did good financially”.
I tried to tell him that the government is slow to enact things so he did good because the previous president. He didnt want to hear that and dismissed it.
If that’s all he knows he doesn’t know very much.
Like most MAGA.
My cousin said the exact same thing.
They don’t know shit, but they still vote with such confidence. It’s maddening.
They’re too deep to take it back now they gotta go full nazi and act like everyone else is the problem
Many years ago, I was at a “friend’s” house and his mom watched Bush on Faux News. He said, “We’re loyal Republicans. We’d rather have an idiot in office than a Democrat.”
They get to be part of a cult of hate?
Hurting their perceived enemies.
This really is the only right answer.
There is no more consensus about anything between MAGA people than there is among the left. People are individuals and they have different values. Voting for a party/candidate doesn’t mean they agree on everything. There’s likely greater differences in views and values within the groups than between them.
This is very true.
Here in Missouri, for instance, voters went red but also passed a $15 minimum wage, required paid sick leave, and voted down an abortion ban. It’s ironic, considering Democrats always insist that if they just get more
conservativecentrist they’ll win elections.the left
Quick reminder: America has no left. The Dems are centre-right vs GoP far-right (and counting).