I’m starting to really consider the whole “reality is a simulation” angle, and whoever is running the game has put in a cheat code. (not really really, but more than I ever have before)
It’s like a shitty unrealistic movie plot has unfolded over the past decade. And every time it looks like maybe things are heading back on track, BOOM, we get another event that just turns us right back on the track to crazytown.
I’m having a hard time coming up with anything I can cling to in the hopes that Project 2025 isn’t going to go exactly as planned down to the last detail.
How are we not going to become real-world Gilead (but with more racism)?
Most of the safeguards were removed in trump’s previous term, and now the way’s open.
Good luck.
All I’ll say is you’re not taking the “reality is a simulation” angle far enough, because you still believe that there is some sort of outcome that is both objectively good AND long term stable. But the only such outcome is that the simulation goes on, with or without you.
Did you not see Obama and Trump joking around? If it was serious Obama wouldn’t be joking like that. He’d be busting heads.
Trump triedcseveral times before Obama, polite as he is, answered.
I dunno, man, it just feels like the ol’ fascist/totalitarian tactic of flooding the zone with shit until people get exhausted from fighting it has worked, people are exhausted, and there’s this energy of elated resignation, like, we can’t swim upstream anymore, so fuck it, riding the current is kind of fun (and the inevitable waterfall is out of sight and out of mind for the moment).
Thats all fine and well until youre shot on the front lines or happen to be one of the minorities being drowned
Can I ask a real question here? We know from being here on Lemmy that some people have a real hard-on for Marxism/Stalinism/Leninism. Why do these people think their pov is morally or ethically superior?
The whole DEI stuff seems a bit like a Trojan horse to sneak in Marxist propaganda. Forcing people to accept immigrants with different cultural pov in a democracy is dangerous because you can end up relinquishing your country to another country’s agenda.
Should people be more humane and considerate? Yes, fucking definitely. Should there be more regulations against some damaging effects of capitalism? Certainly.
Does that mean people want to give up the means of production? Absolutely not. Does that mean people want to live in a China-like situation where you cannot own the land your property is on? No.
Countries should be free to control immigration. That’s what sovereignty is. But the truth is simply this, all countries need immigrants, the natural competition created via the current state of capitalism demands this.
Looks like you do not know a single thing about what Marxism/Leninism/stalinism is. Nothing in the US comes even close to this. The most lefties in the US would still be considered a far-right extremist compared to Marxism. Right now the democracy is going down the drain in the US and they Trump is doing his best to make it a dictatorship like in Belarus and Russia.
Maybe a helpful starting point, if this is a real question, is for you to define what it is you mean by Marxism and what you find unethical about it more specifically. I’m asking the ideology as a whole, not a specific instance or country that claims to have it. For example I don’t think all marxists would be in agreement about if China’s government is a good representation of marxism (even if they call themselves communists).
DEI. Diversity, equity, and inclusion. Efforts within a company to NOT bar Black, Otherwise not white, and minority people WHO HAVE A LEGAL RIGHT to work in the country of the business, from being hired or promoted.
The active effort of a company to not refuse to hire, or refuse to promote black folks from working there. Nor Women, lgbtq folks, or other minorities of any protected class. Which, just to be very clear here, doesn’t include any person who doesn’t have a proven right to work in the country of said company.
Is creating an opening for other countries to change the priorites of the business’s country.
Do YOU understand what what your saying is such insane racist bullshit, that it doesn’t even make sense to anyone who owns a dictionary and knows how to use it?
Anti-DEI rhetoric is a very clear racist line of talking points Christo-Fascists in the US are currently using to justify overt racism, overt authoritarianism, and creating fear and division in a populace, The populace of the USA, that’s been extremely diverse with a large immigrant work force for literally mine and your entire lives, to weaken social bonds in the hopes that Trump and Republicans, who currently are eliminating goverment anti-corruption mechanisms, can get away with killing minorities, revocking civil rights, and looting the county.
Why are you like this? Why do you think Racism, the only thing your defending in you’re reply, is such a gosh darn good ideology, that you’ll gladly give up every right and economic stability you might have had in life, just for the satisfaction of watching Hispanics get ethnically cleansed?
Oh please, if you’re reading anything I am saying as racist you’re just fucked in the head
No I’m very smart, and your regurgitating racist shit. Seriously, no amount of your pathetic flailing erases that. As long as you’re doing all you can to attack ME for being different from you, you don’t get a sliver of benifit of doubt from me. You want to push racist talking points? Then go ahead and stand up proud and wear your disgusting stupid beliefs.
Does that mean people want to live in a China-like situation where you cannot own the land your property is on? No.
I mean good luck with that basically anywhere.
If you don’t pay your property taxes, your fucking neighbor can just take your home by paying them for you, and that’s if the State doesn’t take it and sell it first.
Depends on the state in the U.S., don’t know about other countries
I couldn’t even imagine being as stupid as you, bravo on your achievement!
I’m not sure that you’re asking a real question because your question contains a moral judgement which you then use as a bludgeon to attach boogyman words to concepts you don’t seem to like.
DEI is completely unrelated to Marxism, and immigration policy. I get the distinct feeling that you either didn’t know what any of those words mean, or you’re hoping that the people reading this won’t know what they mean
Also “Does that mean the people want to give up the means of production?” assumes the people own the means of production which would be communism and/or anarchism. Not sure what they think the means of production is or if it’s just a buzzword they hoped to toss in there.
I meant private ownership of the means of production,
Ah, still this wouldn’t really apply because the workers/ people don’t own this mode of production because, so they can’t give it up.
The people you are thinking of are the ~400 individuals who own the means of product, and you are correct that they won’t willingly give that up.
Dude you read what I wrote wrong, or you didn’t get the context, it’s okay to say that instead of whatever verbal gymnastics you’re saying now. Grow up lol
Just take the L, dude.
You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s like reading some garbage from chatGPT.Well that wasn’t very Mr. Rogers of you, please be kind here.
It seems a little unnecessary to spin words to be correct, you can just say you read it wrong or don’t respond 🤷♀️
Besides that, it’s okay. I know my anti-Marxist pov will always attract downvotes. I want to challenge the premise that a Marxist world is socially just or morally or ethically superior. I don’t want to troll or cause grief.
I was gonna mention that, but my response was getting too scattered
The climate justice aspects of DEI are philosophically meant to normalize “anti-Imperialism”.
Meanwhile there’s nothing anti- imperialist about something like Marxism or Stalinism, the only difference is you’re ruled either by a single tyrant or a committee of tyrants.
Edit I’ll just say this though, the sad thing to me is that so much of LGBT rights is wrapped up in postmodern ideology, but LGBT rights speak to fundamental aspects of being a person. LGBT rights don’t need postmodern ideology to validate those rights.
It seems like you’ve disproven your own argument that DEI is a Trojan horse for Marxism, because in your words “there is nothing anti-imperialist about Marxism”
And then you go of on another tangent to pass judgement on something unrelated which you seem to very much want to relate
Maybe constant new outrage bait “content” drama has caused people to emulate it in real life at scale unconsciously?
Who just knocked?I mean Jesus did literally walk into temples and flip tables over and kick people out for bad behavior, so this isn’t far off.
The Inspectors General that Trump is trying to fire basically told him to fuck off.
Under a law passed in 2022 (you know, when the Dems were doing nothing 🙄) the president has to give Congress 1) 30 days notice of firing an IG and 2) enumerate the reasons why that IG was being fired. The second any reason is given to Congress these people are going to sue for wrongful termination since it’s blatantly obvious to everyone Trump is trying to rid the government of anyone who could hold him accountable.
What is the consequence of not following these rules?
If the only consequence is a lawsuit he doesn’t have to pay personally, then I don’t think he cares.
I suppose if the firings are regarded as “official acts,” the courts will support POTUS on this one.
Currently the consequence is they aren’t accepting the termination of their enjoyment and aren’t leaving.
If the consequence of not following the rules means it doesn’t get enforced then he cares very much.
Why does trump care if someone he tried to fire refuses to accept that they’re fired. He can still hire a replacement and pretend the person he “fired” doesn’t exist, and as long as the rest of the bureaucracy plays along with him (which it always seems to) then trump faces no consequences for breaking the rules.
This happened time and time again last term where he broke norms and rules that had no codified repercussions. Dems would say “you can’t do that, it’s not allowed” but he’d do it anyways and succeed.
The checks placed on the POTUS need to have actual teeth and not just be a gentlemen’s agreement
Oh yeah I saw that headline when I got up this morning and it made me happy to see. But talk me down the tree a little further if you can.
In the current state I don’t see how it matters. I’m glad they did it. I appreciate the gesture, and I think it was an important one. But I feel like we’re all still pretending that laws and norms matter when clearly they no longer do for Trump and anyone under him.
What exactly stops him from having these people forcibly removed and/or their access to government resources cut, their paychecks held, their clearances revoked, etc? Who is in charge of those things that can stand up to that?
What exactly stops him from having these people forcibly removed and/or their access to government resources cut, their paychecks held, their clearances revoked, etc? Who is in charge of those things that can stand up to that?
What stops him is people willing to ignore obviously illegal demands, and the more people that stand up to him the more people will be encouraged to do the same. Now, if Trump openly defies court orders and the executive branch has enough sycophants in it that they’re willing to help him, then it becomes up to us to solve that problem.
Solid summary, the best way to deal with authority in general is to ignore them. Mind you someone can always use violence but often times thats a sign of weakness from someone who is trying to claim they have power.
What exactly stops him from having these people forcibly removed and/or their access to government resources cut, their paychecks held, their clearances revoked, etc? Who is in charge of those things that can stand up to that?
Trump doesn’t directly do any of those things, he would have to order other people to do so, and the risk of doing so is that if he encounters more resistance people start to notice that the emperor has no clothes.
The more people resist the more it encourages others to do the same. The president is not a king that can dictate commands, and the more people stop obeying the more Trump runs into those protections that stop him being a tyrant.
My concern as well. Trump really doesn’t seem to give a damn this go-around. There were people in place that hit the brakes on him last time, but this time nobody’s doing shit.
Some reporting is saying impeachment is being floated, suing the president has been a matter of course since Obama took office and hasn’t stopped since, he’s already issuing orders that are blatantly illegal and clearly violate the constitution. There are a lot of openings to fight back right now. Is anyone? Idk.
I doubt this to the point I would bet money against it if I could.
Did you not see that a proposal to amend the constitution for 3 terms was ACTUALLY proposed by a Congressperson from TN?
The republicans do not have enough of a majority in either house to get that through.
I sincerely doubt they are going to convince a third of the Dems to support it either
Remember that you’d have to get at least 38 state legislatures to ratify it as well. Getting any amendments passed in the modern day is a whole circus in and of itself, and I highly doubt there’s enough political capital to get such an obviously targeted amendment (since the candidate in question would’ve had to have two nonconsecutive terms - meaning this applies to Grocer Cleveland and Donald Trump) passed.
I’m beginning to think this term is more about Vance more than Trump. At least, that’s the plan by those behind Trump.
Let Trump go mad and do everything evil at a hundred miles an hour, which is what’s underway. Create utter chaos and make it impossible for anyone to draw breath and structure a defence. Then when the country finally pushes back (Maybe after about year) and he’s impeached, slip in JD Vance as a more moderate leader and everyone will be so grateful the Republicans secure several terms by turning against and blaming everything on Trump.
I could be wrong. Anyone making predictions in this chaos is guessing.
If it makes you feel any better, the reality of Biden and Harris being equally complicit in genocide as Trump reveals that the same people were in charge under the last Democrat administrations as well. It is in fact a simulation, a simulation of a Republican-run fascist takeover, when in reality the system was already completely compromised, and this is just an ideological pretext to expand authoritarian control.
I can’t let myself believe that. I’m not saying you are wrong, just that I’m not there yet.
The stun lock keeps on as planned
I AM the one who knocks out your nazi face to the pavement
I actually have more hope. Every fascist regime ultimately fell and outside of the billionaire controlled media it will be difficult to burn the records.
The reality is that a two tiered justice system will always create a group of people who feel emboldened. The correct response is to document these people’s crimes, and stay mad. If the opportunity to hold them accountable comes, take it.
The democrats still aren’t taking this seriously because they will be among the last to be targeted directly. Their friends are still people like Netanyanhu who flout a similar multi tiered justice system.
Work toward building local governments who will push back and provide resources for people who need it.
I actually have more hope. Every fascist regime ultimately fell
Sometimes it takes a world war to do that.
If the opportunity to hold them accountable comes, take it.
We had that opportunity. Biden and the AG he appointed squandered it, and there’s no indication that it won’t happen with the next corpodem.
I don’t know if this is necessarily a good thing, but I’m a firm believer in the political pendulum, and I believe that if Trump fails to provide what he promised to the working class in terms of economic prosperity we will see the rise of a left wing populist movement in America (perhaps the first of its kind?). I’m not talking a Bernie Sanders Social Democrat but a full blown socialist movement. The risk here is that this movement could rise from within MAGA itself, keeping the cultural/social framework (aka white nationalism) but ditching the economic framework (capitalism). Already there are factions within the alt and new right that flirt with socialist ideals.
Already there are factions within the alt and new right that flirt with socialist ideals.
Examples? Seems inherently contradictory.
This next article describes it very well
This is more relevant to Europe but I have seen discussions in online boards with similar ideas in the US. The alt right is defined more by its desire to remove immigrants and anti elite sentiment than any economic ideology. For proof see how protectionist policies are very popular among them, when anyone who is fundamentally capitalist would be against them. They see globalism, a fundamental feature of capitalism as a threat to an ideal white Christian society.
Remember how Athenians called themselves a democracy but excluded everyone but rich males from participating in it? It’s a similar concept.
When has cognitive dissonance and being contradictory stopped the right wing in the US?
Buy a gun and practice marksmanship, you limp-wrist coward. Complain online while doing nothing and watch the world burn or do what I do and join an LGBTQ marksmanship club, protest, give back to local community with volunteer hours,.
Using a slur and telling someone to join an LGBT group is certainly a choice.
Is “limp-wrist coward” a slur? Seems more like an insult of someone’s habits.
What habits?
Complaining about politics online instead of taking action.
Join a LGBT+ friendly group, don’t be a a fuckin fairy about it.
Please don’t demand that people casually buy guns. They are a massive responsibility and require total vigilance of all safety rules at all times when being handled or carried. Get armed, but only if you’re willing to handle the responsibility. Not everyone can own a gun, it’s always best to advocate for educated self defense with an emphasis on de-escalation.