The reverse of that post I’ve made a week ago…

Rules: pick one movie or series and explain why you actually enjoyed it despite the criticism.

For me: The JJ Abrams Star Trek movies, by far the best ST stuff ever made, I couldn’t take seriously the original universe with the dated effects and stiff acting, same goes for NG… These movies did ST actually great looking and much more believable, not just the effects.

    2 months ago

    Overall, I tend to just be happy to be watching anything star wars. None of the movies are that deep, I’m just in it to watch space wizards with laser swords flying around in space ships with robot sidekicks battling evil. As long as most of those boxes get checked, I’m pretty happy with any star wars media, and in my mind I’m right back to being a little kid watching Star wars for the first time. Anything more is just icing on the cake.

    Now I can absolutely rank them and admit that some of them are better movies than others, and the sequels and prequels definitely drop the ball on that in a lot of ways

    And while on the whole, the sequels and prequels aren’t great movies (arguably the OT aren’t even great movies if we’re being totally objective) I think that in a lot of ways they do a better job at universe building by dropping hints at other parts of the galaxy that we don’t get to explore right then and there, they just do a shitty job of following through on them and tying them together into a coherent narrative.

    I think that just about any part of episode 8 for example could have been expanded out into a pretty cool movie or show, there was a lot to work with there, they just didn’t work together as the same movie

    The force dyad thing between Rey and Kylo is pretty fucking cool

    Casino heist or spycraft movies are a pretty tried and true movie formula, I probably would have saved it for something like a Solo movie, or maybe Andor. The stuff about the military industrial complex profiting off of selling weapons to both sides could work for either of them. Han is from Cornelia, where the arms dealers are building a lot of these battleships and such, and it’s also established that he’s a gambler so a casino makes sense for him, or Andor could work well with the gritty political side of things.

    Fucking broom kid! Let’s get more non-jedi non-sith force sensitives

    Finn was just criminally underutilized all-around

    The Holdo maneuver was pretty fucking badass

    You can argue about how the bombing run doesn’t make sense from a physics perspective, or was tactically stupid, but it was a cool scene nonetheless

    I could go on, I think you could build out a pretty decent movie, show, or at least an episode or two of a show from any of those ideas if they just committed to the idea