Baldurs gate 3 doesn’t need mods. There’s also no one stopping you when walking into a sex toy shop in cyberpunk after configuring your breasts and penis size (because you can have both), without mods. And boy do they have some nice toys.
Friend is now playing Skyrim. *few minutes pass* Friend is now playing Skyrim. *few seconds pass* Friend is now playing Skyrim. *two seconds pass* Friend is now playing Skyrim. *30 minutes later* “Oh looks like they finally got it work-” Friend is now playing Skyrim.
“Wow you’ve got a lot of 40 minute sessions on Sims 4, Fallout 4, and Skyrim.”
“Yeah I’m a completionist.”
“Do you play with mods?”
“What? No. Why? What have you heard?”
Baldurs gate 3 doesn’t need mods. There’s also no one stopping you when walking into a sex toy shop in cyberpunk after configuring your breasts and penis size (because you can have both), without mods. And boy do they have some nice toys.
I have been playing Cyberpunk all wrong it seems.
Skyrim, I heard from hearsay Sims 4, I watched someone defend Wtf is happening in fallout???
All of the games listed have porn mods. A LOT of porn mods.
To clarify they can all be played perfectly normally without any adult content unless the user installs mods.
Friend is now playing Skyrim. *few minutes pass* Friend is now playing Skyrim. *few seconds pass* Friend is now playing Skyrim. *two seconds pass* Friend is now playing Skyrim. *30 minutes later* “Oh looks like they finally got it work-” Friend is now playing Skyrim.