For context for those wondering wtf this is about… There is a very large number of employees/engineers from India, so much so that it has become the Intel workplace environment.
That picture looks like his on the set of Enterprise.
Very American way to deal with being let go
They gotta get used to not eating
Well, now we know why they fired him…
Pray to whom?
As long as it’s someone else. Religion provides the ultimate in shirking of responsibility. Oh well: god. They literally train you to believe that you have no control and to submit utterly - to a thing that does not even exist.
The entire thing is so preposterous. I’ll never stop being flabbergasted that otherwise credible adults admit, right under the public eye, that they believe in magic.
Joe Pesci
“I’m funny how, I mean funny like I’m a clown?”
- Our god
David is right up there with Samuel L Jackson for me in his unique and satisfying delivery of the F-word and it’s derivatives.
It’s the brows
Please join me and fast for 24 hours! And pray!
Literally everyone, looking at their calendar wondering when they are supposed to take 24hours to starve themselves for… For what?
Seriously even if this actually helped the situation his privilege isn’t just showing, it’s flopping around while his panties are around his ankles. Who has 24 consecutive hours a week for this BS?
So dumb. As if a divine deity has some kind of moral investment in the health and welfare of a tech company.
How about showing some actual leadership instead of thoughts & prayers?
I know right? If there is a god, certainly he’s busy making sure that one player scores a touchdown.
Things rich people do to cope with hardship:
- Prayer
- Fasting
- Earning more money in a year than you’ll make in your entire lifetime
…except for the prayer and fasting parts.
What the fuck.
“Papa’s here!”
Upvoted on account of how insane this is
If all it takes is prayers and intermittent fasting, I would like to throw my hat in as next CEO. I will fast two days a week if I get equal to Pat’s 2023 compensation package of $16.86 million.
This is why they are so behind.
An act that says 2 things:
- Don’t look to me, as your leadership, to help you.
- No one will help you.
Notice the motif though? There are lots of media bits in a patchwork quilt across sources this last month encouraging prayer. Heritage, probably.