my friends in real life and internet friends all say good things about me yea but they also call me names like “buddy” or smol stuff like that, and i appreciate it sure but i also think they treat me like as if i was a child or a smaller person but i don’t know why!!! i can ask them but i don’t want to offend them or make them feel bad so that’s why i’m asking here, thanks!!!
oh ok i’m sorry, i am 21 male, i behave ok, no swearing
Insurance companies don’t bill people as adults until 26 because our brains don’t finish developing fully until then and we make poorer choices in a statistically significant way until then.
So while the legal age of adulthood is often late teens to early twenties, the reality is you still probably act young in a way that older people pick up on.
When I was 21 I felt like I was an adult. But I wasn’t even finished growing, and looking back from 40 I was young and dumb and it was obvious to everyone but me.
Maybe the no swearing thing is part of the reason?
Cursing frequently seems like a sign of immaturity honestly.
It’s tied to intelligence actually. People that are good at language are good at generating a swearing vocabulary. Ya cocklamp.
How is cursing mature lol
It just fucking is, kiddo.