Right, anyway… I do like the fellow women I stumble upon on this site. I wish you gals all a lovely upcoming week!
You too, always good to start it off right with some good ol Lemmy hot takes on women.
When the cartoonist tries to pass the Bechdel test without ever speaking to a woman in his life
The test asks whether a work features at least two female characters who have a conversation about something other than a man. Some versions of the test also require that those two female characters have names.
Two female characters. Not talking about men. Both have names.
Yes! Correct! This does in fact pass the Bechdel test, while still being deeply misogynistic. Thank you for explaining my joke.
Why is it deeply misogynistic?
Because women are not nearly that bitchy to each other after like 7th grade.
The women in the cartoon are not being bitchy to eachother either, are they?
The commenter likely means two-faced.
Not all women, no, but some definitely are. Stereotypes come from reality. While they don’t apply to every individual, it does apply on a group level especially when compared to other groups. If this was completely made up nobody would find it funny. People find it funny because there’s a kernel of truth there. It’s not misogynistic to aknowledge that women as a group act differently to men.
Let me answer your question with a question: what do you think is the intended joke/humor of this comic?
It’s a stereotype about women complimenting eachother while not actually meaning it. It’s a joke. Look at the upvote / downvote ratio. Most people get it. You’re in the minority here being offended by it. Recreational outrage so to speak.
I love that you’re asking how it’s misogynistic and literally your next words are that it’s a stereotype about women.
“it’s a joke.” really? from what, 4th century CE?
and stop this bullshit about being offended.
people can call out misogyny, or any kind of bigotry without being offended. not that being offended is a bad thing when something is offensive to begin with. though to me it’s not “offensive” so much as it is incredibly hack. what I find offensive is pretending that this is in any way funny.
also being in the minority or majority does not have any bearing to the legitimacy of your arguments. and it’s not most people who get it, it’s literally everyone. there’s nothing to “get”. this is one of the oldest jokes in history. update your sense of humor.
people can call out misogyny
@pyre ,
Why can’t you just look at two women in a comic and not extrapolate and believe that what is depicted applies to the entire gender, to the entire 4 billion+ women on the Earth? The comic and its joke exists because that type of scenario has happened.
Psychology Today: Why Do Women Act Catty?
Why Do Women Bully Each Other at Work?
The Bitch At Work: How To Out-Smart The Mean Girls In The Office
11 Reasons Why Women Don’t Get Along With Other Women <—written by a woman
Women are not always nice to each other. That is the joke in the comic.
It’s more misogynistic to assume that a depiction of one scenario applies to the entire gender than to just understand that is is a joke calling out a specific behavior.
Hey buddy, I think you’re projecting quite a bit here. I made a Bechdel test joke, and you got “recreationally offended” over it. Have a sense of humor man! It’s just a joke!
You still haven’t explained what’s deeply misogynistic about this cartoon. Or was that a joke too?
Erase the last thought bubble and replace it with “It was nice to run into her, she’s so sweet,” and you’ll have something a bit more realistic and less incel-y lmao.
Women do actually like each other 🙄
But that would make for a horrible story though.
Neurotypical shit
Please don’t create ANOTHER major demograohic divide, we have enough already
Oh it’s already there dude. Anyone autistic/ADHD will be happy to fill you in, I’m sure.
I didn’t say I was neurotypical. I don’t need to be “filled in”. Just be nice to people.
Women! Amirite, guys?
Susan B. Shoppin’
I don’t get it. Why start that conversation with the person to begin with if you don’t like them?