did you know that you can only kiss your reflection yourself on the lips?
Hahhahahjaa that’s hilarious
Whoah! I never thought about that! So cool and insightful!
Ice is a mineral. So molten ice, i.e. water, is lava. Humans are mostly made of water, much more than they are made of DNA. So you are more molten rock than you are genetic material. And people are some sort of water golem.
Some people say a man is made out of mud 🎶
Strictly speaking, that question is invalid, as a rock has no genetic material. It’s like saying “You’re more similar in color to sand than to mathematics.”
Fossils: ಠ_ಠ
In most fossils all living matter is replaced by stone, including DNA.
Fossils: 🗿
The Rock absolutely has genetic material 😤
Depends on the rock. My teeth are rocks, and I’m highly related to them.