It’s easy to understand if you realize that America is essentially a corporation rather than a country, and that country is only representing its shareholders.

In case you’re confused - if you’re not rich and powerful, you’re not a shareholder. You’re an employee or a commodity or an expense, and you exist to enrich the shareholder class.

    3 months ago

    Remember when a senile Chris Matthews was literally breaking down into tears of horror at the Sanders Nevada win.

    This was on MSNBC, the Liberal News Network.

    “I was reading last night about the fall of France in the summer of 1940 and the general, Reynaud, calls up Churchill and says, ‘It’s over,’” Matthews said on air on Saturday night.

    “And Churchill says, ‘How can that be? You’ve got the greatest army in Europe. How can it be over?’ He said, ‘It’s over.’”

    “So I had that suppressed feeling,” Matthews also said.