• TranscendentalEmpire@lemm.ee
    3 months ago

    she didn’t. People keep repeating this, but it’s not a fact. The DNC started transitioning over to Hillary after Bernie already had statistically ZERO chance


    really weird that everyone seems to hate Democrats who run for president more than Republicans who run for President, but for reasons they can never quite pin down to anything related to facts.

    Lol, just because I criticize Democrats doesn’t mean I don’t criticize Republicans. It doesn’t come up as much because it’s a given that Republicans are going to be awful people.

    Also, it’s not that people don’t provide facts, it’s just that you ignore them when presented. I noticed you didn’t confront the Idiocracy of her not campaigning in Michigan…

    Yeah, I know. Hillary was further to the left than her husband.

    Lol, Hilary was just as much of a moderate as bill Clinton, they literally developed American 3rd way politics together.

    Should we have given Trump the 2016 presidency because Hillary was married to a moderate?

    Lol, what a pointless strawman argument… Hillary Clinton has her own political career we can judge her upon. Plus, this is moot as Clinton already “gave” trump the Whitehouse by not campaigning in Michigan.

    “Offhandedly blaming 9/11 on the Taliban does nothing but drive people away”.

    Lol, I know your trying to make a point here, but it’s as hilariously flawed as your argument. Yes blaming 9/11 completely on the Taliban is highly reductive and does nothing but further entrench Americans in nationalism. 9/11 is the result of blowback from the cold war.

    There’s no question 2016 was Republican propaganda and Hillary. I ABSOLUTELY have valid criticisms about the Democratic party. But that doesn’t mean every stupid criticism should be taken as valid. The Republicans have gotten REALLY good at the propaganda game.

    You are conflating valid criticism with “stupid criticism”. Nothing I’ve stated is unsupported by evidence.

    As “unpopular” as Hillary was, she was sladed to crush her by historic margins before you account for the Russian hacking scandal.

    Except her popularity was already drastically shifting weeks before the comey letter was released. It was always a tight race, what evidence do you have that supports her win by “historic margins”?

    The “Comey effect” is literally an idea propagated by her campaign to explain the lost. Even though theres testimony from people on her team that begged her to campaign in key swing states, and blame her ignoring that advise for the lost.

    I’m not saying there wasn’t interference, I’m just saying that it wasn’t solely to blame for her poor performance. You just can’t ignore swing potential swing states in that tight of an election.

    Normally I would agree with you. 2016 was different. If Charles Manson ran for President and won, it’s the voters faults. NOBODY who did the least bit of research wasn’t shitting their pants on election day 2016.

    I don’t really see what you’re trying to get across here…

    And because we can’t fucking learn our lessons and we STILL blame the perfectly viable Hillary Clinton.

    Lol, she lost… She wasn’t a viable candidate, and there were concerns about her campaign throughout the entire process. Historically, running a milquetoast career politician against a firebrand populist is always a poor prospect. The political landscape has changed, but the DNC refuses to change, they just blame the constituency for not playing along.