I’ll admit that my expectations were pretty high, because dragonflight was really damn good: DF story was immediately awesome, DF was incredibly immersive, a world worth exploring and captivating…

Lies and exaggeration

Right out the gate with TWW, Blizzard lying or over exaggerating about everything. They said we would get a bunch of new features, and we have none of them yet. We have half of them. They were supposed to add account-wide reputation, they gave us 10% of it, just for one expansion. This is the first expansion they’ve given us a new expansion feature, that they haven’t fully delivered on. So we don’t even have that. Transmog changes, again, not finished. We were supposed to have the ability to collect all transmog across all of our characters, there are certain parts of it that are still not done. They also said we would get exciting sky riding which is like dragon writing, it’s not the same thing. It’s honestly a little bit slower, there’s no areas in the sky where you can recharge your stamina for flying, so it ends up being annoying and frustrating to use, kind of a slog.

Early access is completely bullshit.

Having to pay for early access in a game that you’re paying $15 a month for, and you’re buying the DLC for 40 to $50, what the hell is that? That’s crazy! Early access in a game that you already paid to play to begin with? What? What sense does that make?

The content so far is horribly boring

The story is so mediocre, it does not feel like a true expansion like dragonflight did. This feels like another Shadowlands style boring fanfiction cookie cutter slog of content that is going to be completely uninteresting the entire time. When you are thrown into it it just doesn’t feel like you’re given anything worth caring about, it’s just here is this really silly mediocre story, have fun, good luck. Thanks for giving us money bye. But I’m only 6 hours into it. The writing is just really bad, there’s no hook. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was AI written or generated tbh

Class design is terrible

Just before launching TWW, they nerfed a lot of classes in a way that makes no sense at all. Incredibly stupid way. For example, cat druid was completely nerfed into the ground to the point where every single major source of information and guides for casual players on what to play doesn’t advise using cat dread for PVE at all. It’s listed as D tier. The absolute worst DPS in the entire game, yet again How is it always the bottom DPS? It’s literally unusable now!!

Plus, hero talents are stupid. Just plain stupid. Why did we need another set of talents, literally another talent tree? It makes no sense! They added a middle talent tree when we already had one on the left and one on the right. For nearly 15 years, this game had one talent tree going top to bottom. They added a second one, now we have a third one! What the hell is this?

  • teft@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    I haven’t played wow for a while now but the last paragraph made me laugh. WoW originally had three talent trees per class. Then they went to one per class and now years later they’re going back to three. Too damn funny.

    • naticus@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Yeah I quit WoW in 2009 and never went back, which would have been 15 years ago now, and lines up with what the OP was saying for timeline. I remember all the coming class changes that would homogenize things drastically, and already being rather annoyed with how things already were, I dipped without a regret, other than losing touch with friends from there. I’m only in contact with a few of them at this point and that’s a little sad, but we all move on eventually.

    • Rhynoplaz@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      That’s what I was thinking. I haven’t touched the game since pre cataclysm so, that confused me.

    • Nighed@sffa.community
      6 months ago

      Druids currently have 7 trees. (And a treeent form)

      1 class tree, 4 spec trees and 2 (or is it 3 for druids?) hero trees. Only 3 can be used at any one time though (to be clear as you don’t currently play)

      The more possible combinations, the harder it can be to balance though