• 2 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 25th, 2024


  • I’ll repeat it as much as I can but we need yo open up new journals for these kind of things.

    All we need is a good cloud for storage, and volunteers. I think comp-sci people do that with https://arxiv.org/

    The journal should accept any user submitted papers but have ranking based on other people, like successful reproducible studies (which is also accepted in journal) will be linked to the original journal. Reviews and such can be their own articles but also linked to the journal.

    That way, undergrads can do projects reproducing previous studies (given resources) which will still give them research credit. Failures and exploration will also give people credit as it helps other people’s research. We can just tag papers for novel ideas,failures, reproducing old paper,reviews, etc.

    I think it has a chance to be very useful if we can pull it off. Although it’ll have the same problems as of social media with upvote system. So some more thoughts needs to be there for the actual implementation.

  • It’s not fun when you have to explain it. But basically it is based on the infinite multiverse theory. Since the multiverse splits whenever you make choices, in this case the program would spawn a large number of multiverses each with different combinations of those bits, which means at least one of them would have the exactly the combination we want. If the program destroys the multiverse it is in after it determines it is not correct, only reality that remains is the one with correct combination of bytes. Making it that we will get the code we want on the first try.

  • I know it’s adobe problem. Because they deprecated it in PDF 2.0, last support is in 1.7, but they have continued using 1.7 with adobe extension 1 to 1.7 with Adobe extension 8. So it’s like they have their own branch of PDF versions. But most people don’t care, and here a government agency is using that and it’s not accessible for linux.

    Wine needs 32bit libraries that’s why I’m not using it. I read the snap package handles the wine part for us, so I tried that in VM but didn’t work. I’ll try to follow your suggestion in VM and see if it’ll work.