Yeah, but if I was a time traveller and knew about the party, I would probably also know it was a trap, right? Why would I walk into the trap?
Yeah, but if I was a time traveller and knew about the party, I would probably also know it was a trap, right? Why would I walk into the trap?
Machine learning IS AI. Seriously guys, you can hate it as much as you want (and calling LLMs autocomplete is quite reductive), but Machine learning is a subfield of AI.
I see this opinion parroted a lot around here, word by word, so I guess is the new popular opinion, but still… it is a fact that it’s AI.
That said, bit moronic to try an use them for military decision making, sure, at least nowadays.
Dude that’s fiction, a webcomic, not OP necessarily OP venting (though it could certainly be used as a medium)
Gender not important also, loads of women “mansplain”, it’s a problem with attitude, not gender or race