Hi 19 I’m dad.
Hi 19 I’m dad.
I believe that life as we know it exists somewhere else in the universe .
Just wait till your flashlight needs to connect to wifi via an app that you download and log in via Facebook or Google and only works if gps is enabled and it also has to have access to your contacts and it gets your first born child.
I had a microwave that moved the plate side to side which worked really well for heating anything solid, but heating liquids usually resulted in a mess.
It’s a water heater, not a hot water heater, why would anyone want to heat water that’s already hot?
I never considered the cat aspect. My grip on reality has been undone.
I suppose you feel the same way on the “soup is cereal” too?
I’ve got a cat that does the same thing, just licks the gravy, I made the mistake one day of getting the patte, my other cat scarfed it down no problem, but miss priss sat there next to her bowl looking at it then looking at me like um this must be fixed immediately.
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