Some great advice here, probably repeating others a bit but stuff that works for me:
to do lists for each day / physically writing stuff down
Generally work in 4 blocks (~60 - 90 mins each), 2 in the morning with a break in between then the same in the afternoon after a decent lunch break. (Afternoons are always less productive mind)
Seperate work/home laptops. Only work stuff happens on work laptop.
if I find I’m not being productive I just leave my desk for 5 mins then come back and try again.
lots of walks
For YouTube stuff I’d recommend an alternative front end like freetube. Much less in your face with throwing vids at you, plus no ads!
Some great advice here, probably repeating others a bit but stuff that works for me:
For YouTube stuff I’d recommend an alternative front end like freetube. Much less in your face with throwing vids at you, plus no ads!