I don’t want to fuck Rowling.
Master of Applied Cuntery, Level 7 Misanthrope, and Social Injustice Warrior
I don’t want to fuck Rowling.
My printer is on a separate network and traffic to and from it is controlled via pfSense. There isn’t a single “smart” device in my network.
It was the remains of fish which we ground into powder and fed to other fish and sheep, whose remains we ground into powder and fed to other sheep and cows, whose remains we ground to powder and fed to other cows.
В танце in my ass (in dance in my ass)
Just because the mode of payment changes with the technical abilities of the medium doesn’t change that.
Not according to German, French, and I suspect most of other european countries laws. Only torrenting copyright-protected content is against the law because you’re uploading the content (distributing) while downloading.
Would you call it piracy to yank out the ad insert from a free newspaper and throw it into the trash without looking at it? Because that’s the exact analog from the non-digital world. Just because the mode of payment changes with the technical abilities of the medium doesn’t change that.
🎶 I see a black road and I want to paint red 🎶
That’s why I’m a handsomely paid consultant, and you’re not.
Something between 2 and 17.
I’ll just leave this here for those in need of some educationing: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=90X5NJleYJQ&pp=ygUWdHJvZ2RvciB0aGUgYnVybmluYXRvcg%3D%3D
The c became a circle is nonsense. The two circles in % denote the two zeros in 100, as they denote the three zeros in thousand/per mille: ‰.
Ah, the ancient country Spance, which sank because its inhabitants disrespected the mighty god Nuggan.
Well, that’s why you add dots and stuff over the letters so it becomes “easy” to distinguish. Example Kurrent script:
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