Dude, people here are such fucking cunts, you didn’t do anything wrong, ignore these 2 trogledytes who think they are semi intelligent. I’ve worked in IT nearly my whole life. I’d return it if you can.
Dude, people here are such fucking cunts, you didn’t do anything wrong, ignore these 2 trogledytes who think they are semi intelligent. I’ve worked in IT nearly my whole life. I’d return it if you can.
American rednecks: see its still cold in the artic, look at all that snow. Global warming is fake news… I should really cover this hole in my 60 year old falling apart trailer with OSB and hang a massive trump flag on the rusty bent pole in my yard, that ll show them homos! Man thank God America is great again! I still can’t afford eggs tho.
I find it so odd that people draw like this, use a pencil and draw lightly and get the shapes down before making a hard line. Don’t ise a pen and try to do it in one go.
Hey guy named morrowind who never played it (or so you say)
You know they hate you right?
About fucking time
They aren’t mine, I just take care of them cuz their father is an incompetent redneck pos. But thanks for the useless fucking advice, ass-hat
I understand the concern but if ot stops underage people from getting on, I think it’s a good idea. All social media needs it too. We have to protect our kids better. As someone with step kids, I hate that they use tiktok but they were already addicted to it when I entered the picture.
None of this is bad. The skin cream one is dumb but the rest are def needed.
Only bumper sticker I have says “shoot your local predator” with a camera (thanks anxiety war!) What does that say about me?
This will be Musk on mars.
Yep. I live in the middle of nowhere, I’m not gonna start shopping at Walmart to give up amazon. Walmart was absolute shit first
I used to LOVE target but then they got rid of Mossimo, denim and flowers and anything else good they ever had and started carrying clothes for fucking Mennonites. Seriously, their clothes went from awesome to shit.
Probably harder to build than just fixing an existing house, but do you…
Lol no, cuz then my option is Walmart and I ain’t doing that.
If you learn skills such as how to fix shit yourself, owning a house is very obtainable.
I got real lucky when I was in college, I was messaging this cute black chick (I’m white) and then she TOLD me she catfished me and then sent me her real pic and she was hotter with massive tatas. I don’t get the catfish. A 2 year long distance ensued. Some grade A shit. Jersey girls SMH. Fucking looney toons
Glad you got out! That’s something to be proud of!