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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023

  • Yeah but that would raise my commute to two hours daily. And an hour of that would be biking home after midnight in a town where I’m very likely to get shot, stabbed, and mugged. Probably at the same time.

    Not to mention my bike getting stolen and the fact that I’d likely get stopped by the police here every night due to dark skin

  • What do you mean by negative? In the sense that the response is insulting, or a personal attack? Generally, well adjusted people on forums websites try to avoid those, those who don’t are just assholes.

    But if you mean negative as in the reply merely disagrees with your point of view, then isn’t that the point of a forums website? Short of echochambers, memes, and porn, the biggest thing on forums is two way discussions. You post a question, maybe with an idea of how people might respond, and you could get a varying degree of different responses. Some of which may offer fresh insights that you may not have had the perspective for before. Do you consider the responses in this thread to be negative?

  • Definitely wings. First thing I thought of. Unfortunately that would require a massive redesign. Firstly, you’d need hollow bones, as well as a very low body fat percentage. Decent chance boobs and butt don’t grow hardly at all. Secondly, you’d need extremely strong chest muscles, which also still have to be light. And in order to provide enough energy for that, you’d need a larger and stronger heart with wider blood vessels. You’d also need to most likely quintuple your daily calorie intake. Possibly more depending on how often/when/ where you are flying. You would also want lungs with more surface area to absorb oxygen better, even at low altitudes. Especially at higher altitudes. That would likely mean a stronger diaphram. Stronger leg muscles for takeoff/landing. Better eyes for scoping out landing points and avoiding hazards. Most birds don’t fly at night, so you may consider something akin to a cats eyes, or go the bat route with echolocation. And you’re going to need a neutral remapping unless you just plan to replace your arms with the wings. Fortunately, outside of a higher energy cost, that last one might happen automatically, our brains are very plastic.