“Show my ad to hornly lonely 13 y/o that suffer from Tourette”
“Here is a list of 13 y/o that suffer from Tourette”
One of these options is less profitable for an ad network in the long run.
“Show my ad to hornly lonely 13 y/o that suffer from Tourette”
“Here is a list of 13 y/o that suffer from Tourette”
One of these options is less profitable for an ad network in the long run.
But cracking ed25519, or RSA , is something that state actors can’t do without massive resources… What am I missing here?
Even if I reverse engineer Linux, I can’t know the decryption keys for my encrypted data…
Are you saying that HDCP is not “Secured” but “Jumbled up”? If tomorrow the source code for it get released - then “The jig is up”?
Morse to QR code my gentleman.
I feel like I’m missing the context… Where did this meme starALL HAIL THE HYPNOTOAD.
They can’t give a reward for a “oh shit we’re running out of hedge fund money, we need to stay solvent , let’s sell out our user’s data”
I’m not seeing Oppenheimer mentioned , perhaps I’m in the minority here.
First they take the dingle bop and they smooth it out with a bunch of schleem
WTF is this mess? A Twitter and Reddit and Lemmy screenshot sewn together?
One could only hope
While “erase Gaza” is a correct translation , the “leave it to us” part isn’t. A better translation is “leave us be” ie GTFO Bibi.
Serious question - I haven’t touched my Xbox one for about 4 years , it wasn’t powered and wasn’t connected to the internet - I would love to jailbreak it and run Linux on it. Can it be done?
OK, I’ve read the wiki entry but I still don’t understand what KVM is, or why it’s needed. The last time I visited a data center - every server rack came with a laptop-esque looking control unit. What problem does KVM comes to solve? What does this invention improve upon a traditional KVM?