Thanks for the suggestion, I found a pdf of it online I’ll check it out
Thanks for the suggestion, I found a pdf of it online I’ll check it out
I’ve been going on lots of walks and jogs, I try to go at least once a day. It’s good for my mental health which has otherwise been kinda bad lately.
Even just having Sponsorblock built-in changed my life!!
Don’t forget the Gordon that steals your stuff from your locker! And the one that lets a headcrab run amok
Ohhey a fellow Voyager user!
I was also missing out on all the fun :/ lol
As I said in another comment in this post - I believe seeing who upvoted or downvoted a post aids in identifying rabid downvoters and bots, though I personally use mobile Lemmy apps and am unable to access that data.
I agree! I believe seeing who upvoted or downvoted a post aids in identifying rabid downvoters and bots. However, I personally use mobile Lemmy apps and am unable to access that data.
When I first saw the Statue of Liberty I was genuinely amazed at how small it was 😂
Yeah well blowsraspberry
Just hacker things
Does that adapter come in MadeForAppleProducts™?
I am not a veteran but I learned this yesterday when I tried to get a new sling for my broken (but mostly healed) right humerus and found out insurance only pays for a new one every two years and out of pocket a new one at the hospital is $70 whereas a new one from a medical supply store is $20-$25 and what a surprise! The medical supply store doesn’t bill insurance. Fuck this country
“Kids aren’t going to eat a slice of pizza drenched in tomato sauce”
Lmao what a quote, as a former kid I’m going to have to agree with that haha
Same story. I even remember where the files came from - ripped from Daft Punk’s Homework album (I had and have the physical CD)
It is actually an achievement since those places never seem to have beds available