I don’t like this meme
I don’t like this meme
Sure, I can ignore the phone, but it’s quiet and distracting
Phone rings
I’m doing the dishes and my hands are wet
I’m sitting on the toilet
I’m in an online game
I just got the baby to sleep
I’m pipetting a solution
I’m with a customer
My hands are covered in engine grease
I’m meditating
I’m on my bicycle
I have gloves on
I’m carrying heavy furniture
I’m driving
I’m swimming at the pool
I’m in the middle of a set
I’m trying to put out a grease fire on the stove
Sure, I can ignore the phone, but it’s loud and distracting.
It’s like when you’re having a conversation on autopilot.
“Mum, can I play with my frisbee?” Sure, honey. “Mum, can I have an ice cream from the fridge?” Sure can. “Mum, can I invade Poland?” Absolutely, whatever you want.
I don’t think any of those scenarios focus on what happens to an unwanted steak. Abortion bans are horrible for all the little steaks who don’t get to have parents who wanted them, too.
The people who think men can’t be raped are the bad guys. You’re supposed to disagree with them. You are having the intended emotional response to the comic. You agree with PizzaCake.
when in reality men who are victims of this often just don’t speak up at all because when they are, they’re either not believed, called “gay” for not enjoying it, or it ends up reported with a headline like “female teacher has sex with male student”.
Yes, that’s how the real world treats male rape victims. This comic is about how fictional misandrists would treat a male robbery victims. Those are two different things. This fiction doesn’t make implications about the situation you described.
If you WANT to say transracial or transspecies or transnational is a thing, by all means do some research and prove it through studies and peer review. Until then, it is unlikely to be recognized the same way that transgender has because it has a lot of supporting evidence.
I want to play a game with you. You’re demanding evidence for something that some people have a lot of experience with, but most people don’t care to investigate. I wanna do the same thing.
I’ve decided that fish aren’t real. I want you to link a scientific journal article that says fish are real. Not one that presupposes the existence of fish in general, one that asks if fish actually exist and asserts an answer from evidence.
If you can’t prove fish are real, why should anyone have to prove otherkin are real?
Buuuuuuuut, if you really want scientific articles on otherkin…
Well, compared to Tim Buckley, yes.
Sometimes comic artists and other creatives put characters in their works who have bad opinions they disagree with. Pizzacake doesn’t agree with the opinion that men can’t be raped, she just depicted it in a comic. Depiction isn’t the same as agreement. If it was, then George Lucas would be a Sith and Mary Shelley would be an abusive parent.
I like her comic. It’s satire. She doesn’t agree with the misandry in the comic, you’re supposed to think the women’s opinions are wrong. She’s on the men’s side.
Right, so when Bernie Sanders says socialism is good, that’s a bland “middle of the road” take given his fan base?
If so, what even is the criticism supposed to mean?
This artstyle looks like “what if Control Alt Delete was drawn by someone who had fashion sense and also talent”.
I like it.
If “maga bad” is an uncontroversial take, then how come Donald Trump is the president?
I liked both comics. I also like bone hurting juice. Fair use is valid.
Everything is politics.
I can’t see it, my instance has downvotes disabled. But I figured. Lemmy is a toxic and kinphobic place. A bunch of crabs in consensus reality’s bucket, trying to keep the rest of us from escaping.
I know plenty of alienkin. Life from other worlds exists, but conservative realists will tell you that otherkin are “trolling” or “insane”.
I think this meme might spur people to be less likely to vote democrat. If the midterms still exist in a year, I want the Democrats to win them so Trump can’t keep destroying America so quickly.