According to Zeit online he’s German and has been known for psychological issues.
According to Zeit online he’s German and has been known for psychological issues.
MI6 did the same stuff for years in Northern Ireland. Protecting known murderers because they were assets. Nothing new here.
Sorry to disappoint but with roughly 59.2 million people eligible to vote their 22% make for about 13 million votes.
So you’re self employed which as mentioned above is not the general case. You made it sound like everyone has to pay the same amount regardless of income which simply is not true.
You’re aware that you’re talking bullshit, yes? Insurance costs is a percentage of your income and it’s most certainly not almost 1000€ for everyone. If you’re paying that much for insurance and your income isn’t sufficient you might want to budget better (it should be at least over 4000€/month after taxes and insurance). This, of course, regards employees and general insurance.
If you’re self-employed and insured privately things are different but this is only about 10% of people. So it’s most certainly not a very common issue and obviously not the general case.
Or, and hear me out here, the current political climate scares people and those with psychological issues can be pushed over the edge more easily. This man has been known for issues like that according to Zeit online.