Why not both 😃 ngl the job description seemed a tiny bit… PACKED if you will
Why not both 😃 ngl the job description seemed a tiny bit… PACKED if you will
I mean they haven’t responded to me in over 2 hrs despite telling me to hurry TF up with my application so I guess they don’t need me anymore
Should I bother applying then :/
See I was going to mention that but thought maybe it sounded egotistical. It’s weird that she is telling me what to do/commanding me before she is even my boss.
Idk if I have a problem with authority or something, or it’s just a red flag. I can honestly say I don’t know if I’ve ever had a boss that wasn’t at least a little bit sociopathic. The best one I’ve had basically just hid in his corner and let some nice lady supervise me.
Tbh it’s weird cause last time I applied to a job like this they seemed super interested and I had the right experience but then they just ghosted me lol
I haven’t applied to anything in over a year
I’ve decided not to apply unless they respond at my basic communication attempt. I don’t want to work for someone that gets me excited about an opportunity and then doesn’t even bother following through at all.
I’ve decided I won’t apply unless she responds to my basic attempt at communication. I don’t want to work for a boss like this.
I men she’ll probably get back to me and be like “the client said the most they can do is 18 an hour”
Anyway she hasn’t even responded to my attempt at basic communication so I won’t be applying cause I don’t want to work for someone like that
She said the pay is stated by me, and then she discusses it with the client to see how much they’re willing to pay basically
I’m just worried cause I responded quickly, also has some basic quick questions, and it’s been almost an hour and I haven’t heard back from her. So I’m wondering if she just doesn’t want to deal with me anymore. And it’s furthering my red flag detector tbh
She hasn’t asked for anything suspicious yet, I’m more so worried it’s a toxic company and they won’t treat me well :/
I’m not really as worried about it being a scam, as I am about it being a toxic work environment idk … I’m very nervous
I mean… Idk it’s still sus. I’m leaning more towards they’re too picky and want the perfect candidate. The economic area they are based in is begging for job openings. I’m suspicious tbh, like what’s the catch?
It’s more of like a small business/start up type of thing, but I guess they want to find the solution (employee) quickly for their client.
I’m not great at reading between the lines. What’s the bargaining chip in this case? 😅
Idk, I responded to them with some basic questions and it’s been 40 mins and they haven’t replied… and I’m supposed to rush to apply still? I don’t know…
Oh, I thought you meant US national parks are far from the best haha
I mean it’s not a personal attack on anyone, I’m well aware definitely not all Americans think america is the best. Not even saying it’s super common, was just giving an idea as to why OP might have this perception
I have noticed it’s less common to travel outside of America. This makes sense though because america is huge and has a lot of places to visit.
Honestly, I feel like job interviews and applications always give me the fight or flight response. To be fair I’ve never really had a boss that wasn’t awful, so that could be why. Idk.