This is brilliant! You must have been practicing for a long time to draw so well.
This is brilliant! You must have been practicing for a long time to draw so well.
After bouncing back and forth between the house of lord’s and the house of commons This bill is a shadow of it’s former self. I’m glad to say.
Three things that were massively damaging for privacy and security have, as far as I can see, been scrapped.
And what’s left in the bill is going to be regulated by Ofcom, a toothless underfunded shell of a regulatory body.
Oral b pro 1, 2 or 3. They use the same motor and batteries as their most expensive ones, which is really the only bit that matters. Everything else is just gimmicks to justify the price… Bluetooth connections and other bullshit.
And don’t bother with official heads either. Generics work fine. Just remember to change them often.