And that just makes it better!
Did you account for multi parti sessions? I believe if you could comprise a crew of rotating pent up young fellers you would get there in no time.
Okay I checked, and based on ml per ejaculation, we would be talking from 160 to 534 releases to get there, so yeah the time intensiveness would be a problem
I’m expecting a new Bad Dragon toy to be in the works
Maybe its the dung and corpse flies they are after
Definitely wallet. I leave it in the strangest of places
There was a TV show???
Think of the possibilities! A teaspoon or 2 of instant coffee in the cup and you are good to go! Garlicy coffee goodness /s
So basically late night karaoke at a bar
Just buy all the Star Citizen goodies
Yeah, atleast here in northern part of europe we have multiple shrooms that bruise blue and are still edible. I recomend getting a mushroom foraging guide book of your area, and first getting familiar with all the ones that can seriously hurt you.