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Sucks getting a taste of your own medicine eh? Let me know when that place gets so bad you decide it’s worth F’ing off out of it for good.
Seek a second opinion. That doctor is not listening to you. Something other than aging is going on and it should be properly investigated.
edit: is severe arthritis in your family (or any other bone/joint disease)? Are you exposed to large or long term doses of chemical(s) or radiation in your life through work or living environment (industrial zone nearby/upwind, or very old home). These are things I’d be considering.
Well I wouldn’t accept “I dunno” as an answer any more. “you are old enough now that it’s time for you to know because if you don’t people will take advantage of you”.
Every time they say ‘I dunno’ demand a single page report on the answer complete with at least 2 sources. No TV/Phone/Whatever until it is done. They’ll stop uttering that real quick. The key is co-participation though. Telling them something is important is meaningless when compared to showing them it is important by sitting down and helping them figureidout.
How you interact with them is the key to 90% of what your child learns from you. You’re already participating in their viewing. Use this as a stepping stone for dialogue regarding plausibility, and demonstrating critical thinking.
“Do you agree with that influencer? Why or why not?”
“What are the influencers motivations?” Dazzle them with possibilities they had not considered too.
“If I told you I’ve been to space would you believe me? But I’m your parent! Why is my claim beyond belief?”
“Can you verify what that person is telling you through reliable means? This is how I would do that”.
… and so on. Just do more of what you’re doing and up the investigation portion IMO. Don’t be afraid to learn something yourself while they witness it. Just be careful to avoid arguments as they’re getting to that age…
Pretty sure you could end around their TOS by connecting a PC with 2 Ethernet ports to the provider’s internet and connect your router to the PC with the 2nd port. In the PC’s OS bridge the 2 ports together, and disable the routers firewall.
Dr. ought to be wearing a football helmet or risks getting punched in the face.
If you say anything bad about linux, or star trek, or github, you get downvoted to hell
If not simply moderated out of the community because ‘fostering dialogue is an important goal’.
This typically needs congressional approval, or at least notification. Almost impossible to keep this secret and attempting to do so would just look really bad to the public.
I didn’t know what an semi-submersible offshore wind farm was so found this article that describes the particular features of three different types.
(They have Dragons now)
Wasn’t saying you were. Just I’d be unable to answer without doing so.
The russians literally have a Chechen battalion placed behind the assault line, whom specialize in shooting anyone that retreats.